كتاب روابط اجتياز لـ Fourth: Reports on Governance and Adherence
Fourth: Reports on Governance and Adherence
يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 30/4/2020• The Self-Assessment Form and the Annual Report on Governance
- The insurance companies and the insurance-related professionals shall as far as applicable to the nature of their operations and their legal forms as appropriate provide the Authority with a self-assessment of the governance procedures of the company in the intended completed e-form when the annual financial statements and reports are presented.
- The insurance companies shall provide the Insurance Authority with a copy of the annual governance report filed by it every year when it presents its governance self-assessment form.
- The governance self-assessment form shall comprise the following cornerstones:
- The rights of the shareholders and policyholders
- The general assembly.
- Related party transactions.
- Disclosure and transparency.
- Internal audit.
- Board committees.
- Training.
- Internal controls.
- Any other matters as held necessary by the Authority.
• Risk and Adherence Self-Assessment Forms
- The insurance companies and the insurance-related professionals shall fill in their risk and compliance self-assessments in accordance with the Authority-fixed periods in this regard in the intended e-form.
- The risk and adherence self-assessment form shall comprise:
- The insurance risks including the risks of the product, design, pricing andunderwriting.
- The credit risks.
- The market risks including the investment and liquidity risks
- The operational risk including the legal risks.
- The organizational risks
- The risks of the related parties
- The risks of the financial crime.
- The insurance fraud risks.
- The cyber risks.
- Other risks as specified by the Authority.