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  • Insurance Companies' Funds

    • Article (42)

      Every insurance company shall deposit into one of the banks operating in the State a deposit to stand as guarantee for fulfilling its obligations amounting:

      1. Dirham four million for the two types of insurances of life assurance and fund accumulation operations provided for in Para (1) of Article (4) of the law herein.
      2. Dirham two million for each branch of insurance enlisted under the two types of insurances of properties and life liabilities provided for in Para (2) & (3) of Article (4) of the law herein, provided the total amount shall not exceed Dirham six million at most regardless of the number of the branches.

      According to a resolution by the Cabinet the deposit as provided for in the preceding two paragraphs may be increased on basis of a recommendation by the Chairman.

      The deposit shall be in the form of money or the equivalent of shares and bonds of companies incorporated in the State or a mortgage of a real-estate located therein, subject to the chairman's consent.

      The deposit shall be deposited into one of the banks licensed in the State in the name of the company and to the order of the chairman in so capacity. As for the real-estate mortgage, an endorsement shall be entered into its registration with the Department assigned for mortgages' registration as an indication for that. The Authority shall be provided by an official certificate as so. The cash returns of the deposit (if any) shall be made for the company's interest. By consent of the Director General the whole deposit or part thereof shall be replaced by any other form of deposit provided for in the Article herein in condition that its value shall not be less than the legal limit of the deposit at the time of replacement.

    • Article (43)

      The deposit shall not be disposed off except by a written permission from the chairman or whosoever authorized by him. The court of jurisdiction or the committee may order seizure of the deposit against the debts accrued from the insurance operations of the company. However, no order shall be given to seize the deposit against other debts.

      The Authority shall request the company to complete the deposit should it become less than the legally determined limit due to decrease in the values of the shares, bonds, or real-estates or impose seizure thereon or on part thereof according to the provisions of the preceding Para or for any other reason. The company shall complete the deposit within a thirty day period at most as from date of the call to complete the deposit.

    • Article (44)

      The bank shall not dispose off the deposit by any form or another except pursuant to a final judicial verdict or by a written permission from the chairman. The pertinent real estate registration bodies as well shall not lift off the endorsement signifying mortgaging of the real-estate kept as a deposit except by a written permission from the chairman or whosoever he authorizes.

    • Article (45)

      The companies engaged in any of the two insurances types provided for in Para (1) of Article (4) shall maintain funds therewith in the State equivalent in their value at least to the total amount of the special mathematical reserve of the contracts concluded inside the State or of those executed therein. The Cabinet on basis of a presentation by the Chairman may decrease percentage of the reserve to be maintained by the company to no less than 50%.

      These funds shall be fully maintained separate from the monies of other insurance operations. However, in calculating the said reserve the deposit provided for in Para (1) of Article (42) of the law herein shall be taken into consideration in such a manner whichever the larger shall weigh up.

    • Article (46)

      The insurance companies operating at the time of implementing the law herein shall be given one year grace period as from date of enforcing the law herein to adjust their situations according to the provisions of Para (1) and (2) of Article (42) of the law herein. The Cabinet on recommendation of the chairman may extend the period for another year.