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  • Chapter Five General Provisions

    • Article (110)

      1. The insurance company shall manage insurance claims in accordance with the legislation in force and the provisions of the insurance policies, pursuant to the following procedures:

      (a) Issuing a decision concerning any insurance claim in accordance with the instructions of professionals rules and code of conduct and ethics.

      (b) In case any insurance claim is fully or partially denied, the Company must clarify the reasons for its decision in writing.

      (c) In case of a dispute in relation to a claim, the concerned person may submit a written complaint to the Authority, which in turn may request clarification from the Company.

      (d) In case the complainant has objection on the clarifications provided by the company, he may request that the dispute be referred to the Committee established pursuant to article No. (110).

      2. One or more committees that will be concerned with resolving the disputes arising out of insurance contracts, operations and services shall be formed. The committee (s) shall have the competency to request any official papers or documents and to counsel experts, as well as hearing of witnesses and any other alternatives that need to be used to resolve the disputes before them.

      3. Cases resulting from the disputes arising out of insurance contracts, operations and services shall not be accepted, if such disputes are not brought before the committees established in accordance with the provisions of paragraph No. (2) of the article herein.

      4.The concerned party shall have the right to appeal against the decisions of the committees before the competent first instance court within thirty days of the day following their notification of the decision, otherwise the decision shall be deemed final and enforceable.

      5. The Board shall issue the necessary decisions concerning the composition of the committees established in accordance with the provisions of paragraph No. (2) of the article herein, their competencies, powers, their work system, fees of its members and hired experts, types and classes of insurance for which insurance disputes are resolved before these committees, and other related matters.


      This article has been amended by Federal Law No. (03) of 2018. You are on the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
      Version 1(effective from 15/02/2007 to 26/04/2018)


      The company shall make clarifications about the complaints received by the authority from the policyholders, the beneficiaries thereof and others pertaining to the insurance operations conducted by the company inside the State.


    • Article (111)

      The companies in existence upon enforcing the provisions of the law herein shall be obliged to adjust their situations according to the provisions thereof and the regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto within the period determined by the Board, provided such period shall not exceed two years as from date of implementing the provisions of the law herein.

    • Article (112)

      Should the company failed to adjust its situations according to the provisions of article (111) of the law herein its registration shall be cancelled by decision of the Board.

    • Article (113)

      Any natural person carrying out operations of insurance agent, insurance broker, loss and damage adjuster, insurance consultant or actuary shall be obligated upon enforcing the provisions of the law herein to adjust his situation according to the provisions thereof and according to the regulations and rules pursuant thereto within the period determined by the Board, provided such period shall not exceed a year as from date of implementing the provisions of the law herein, otherwise his registration or license as might be the case shall be deemed lawfully cancelled and shall be prohibited from carrying out the operations of insurance subject to punishment according to law.

    • Article (114)

      1. Irrespective of what has been mentioned in any other legislation electronic data or printouts of the computers, correspondences generated by telex, fax, and e-mail shall be deemed suitable as proof of evidence should the legislative regulations relevant thereto been adhered to.

      2. The companies may keep for the period determined by law microcopies (microfilm or other device of modern technology) instead of the original books, records, lists, documents, correspondences, telegrams, notices and other papers related to its financial operations. These microcopies copies shall have similar supremacy as proof of evidence according to the legislative regulations which a decision issued therefor.

      3. The companies which are using in organizing its financial operations computers or other modern technological devices shall be exempted from organizing the commercial books needed according to the Commercial Transactions Law. Statements extracted from these devices or from other modern technological devices shall be deemed same as those statements extracted from the commercial books, provided compliance of the insurance companies with the established legislative regulations in this respect.

    • Article (115)

      All ministries, government directorates, public enterprises, and companies therein the government is having stakes which benefit from the insurance operations shall be required to present any statements or information related to the insurance operations they concluded as may be requested by the Director General within the period he determined.

    • Article (116)

      The insurance agent, broker, re-insurance broker, the actuary, the loss and damage adjusters, and the insurance consultant subject to the provisions of the law herein shall be obligated to present any statements or information as may requested by the Director General within the period he determined.

    • Article (117)

      1. The Director General shall notify the concerned bodies or the pertinent authorities as might be the case of the decisions related thereto issued by the Board or by him personally.

      2. The Director General shall publish the decisions related to the registration's suspension, cancellation, or restoration or the decisions related to companies' merger, acquisition, restructuring, liquidation, or termination in the Gazette, in two widely circulated local daily newspapers issued in Arabic and in one newspaper issued in English on the company's own expenses.

    • Article (118)

      The provisions of the Law of Commercial Companies shall not apply to the insurance operations only to the extent the provisions thereto do not contradict the provisions of the law herein, and the regulations, rules, directives, and decisions issued pursuant thereto.

    • Article (119)

      This article has been cancelled pursuant to the Decretal Federal Law No. (25) of 2020. To see the previous version, click on the version box below
      Version 1(effective from 15/02/2007 to 02/01/2021)


      1. The Cabinet shall issue the following regulations needed to implement the provisions of the law herein:

      1. Fees charged pursuant thereto.
      2. Minimum amount of the company's capital.
      3. The Authority's human resources regulations.

      2. The Board shall issue regulations, rules and directives necessary to implement the provisions of the law herein.


    • Article (120)

      This article has been cancelled pursuant to the Decretal Federal Law No. (24) of 2020. To see the previous version, click on the version box below
      Version 1(effective from 15/02/2007 to 02/01/2021)


      The employees whom the Minister decided to transfer from the Ministry shall be transferred to the Authority in the same scale, with all their rights and entitlements, provided their statues shall be adjusted according to the provisions of the regulations of the Authority's human resources' affairs without prejudice to the salaries and allowances they are receiving.


    • Article (121)

      This article has been cancelled pursuant to the Decretal Federal Law No. (24) of 2020. To see the previous version, click on the version box below
      Version 1(effective from 15/02/2007 to 02/01/2021)


      The employees of the Authority shall be subjected to the laws and regulations of the Civil Service as applied in the Federal Government pending the issue of the regulations of human resources designated for the Authority.


    • Article (122)

      The Federal Law No. 9 of 1984 on insurance companies and brokers referred to herein shall be cancelled and while no contradiction with the provisions of the law herein the executive regulation and the decisions issued thereby shall remain valid pending the issue of the executive regulation necessary to implement the provisions of the law herein.

    • Article (123)

      Any provision in conflict or contradiction with the provisions of the law herein shall be cancelled.

    • Article (124)

      The law herein shall be published in the Gazette and be effective after six months as from date of publication.