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Article (2)

Fed Law 26/2021 Effective from 27/9/2021
  1. Any person, having the knowledge that the funds are the proceeds of a felony or a misdemeanour, and who wilfully commits any of the following acts, shall be considered a perpetrator of the crime of Money Laundering:
    1. Transferring or moving proceeds or conducting any transaction with the aim of concealing or disguising their Illegal source.
    2. Concealing or disguising the true nature, source or location of the proceeds as well as the method involving their disposition, movement, ownership of or rights with respect to said proceeds.
    3. Acquiring, possessing or using proceeds upon receipt
    4. Assisting the perpetrator of the predicate offense to escape punishment
  2. The crime of Money Laundering is considered as an independent crime. The punishment of the perpetrator for the predicate offence shall not prevent his punishment for the crime of Money Laundering
  3. Proving the illicit source of the proceeds should not constitute a prerequisite to sentencing the perpetrator of the predicate offence