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Article (11) bis: The Standards of the Regulations Regarding Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business "the Standards".

RES 61/6/2016 Effective from 25/8/2016

The Central Bank shall issue the following Standards:

  1. Licensing and Continued Obligations Standards
  2. Management of the Business and Governance Standards
  3. Risk Management and Security Standards
  4. Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Standards
  5. Customer Protection Standards
  6. Appendices

Appendix 1: Definitions

Appendix 2: Applicable Laws, Regulations and Notices

Appendix 3: List of Compulsory Reports and Forms

Appendix 4: Non-Compliance Charges

The Standards are an integral part of the Regulations Regarding Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business, and all Licensed Persons shall adhere to the provisions of the Standards once circulated and come into effect