تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

V. Appendix: Computation of Exposures with Credit Risk Mitigation Effects

C 52/2017 STA يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 1/4/2021

Bank A repos out cash of AED 1000 to a corporate with an external rating of AA. The corporate provides collateral in the form of debt securities issued by a bank with an external rating of AA. The debt securities have a remaining maturity of 7 years and a market value of AED 990.

Minimum holding period for various products
Transaction typeMinimum holding periodCondition
Repo-style transaction5 Business daysDaily remargining
Other capital market transactions10 Business daysDaily remargining
Secured lending20 Business daysDaily revaluation


The haircut for the transaction with other than 10 business days minimum holding period, as indicated above, will have to be adjusted by scaling up or down the haircut for 10 business days as per the formula given below:



VariablesDetails of the VariablesSupervisory haircutsScaling factorAdjusted haircuts
HeHaircut appropriate to the underlying exposureExposure in the form of cash, supervisory haircut 0%0Not applicable
HcHaircut appropriate to the CollateralDebt securities issued by a bank supervisory haircut 8%0.71Supervisory haircut (8%)* Scaling factor (0.71 )= 6%
HfxHaircut appropriate for Currency MismatchNo Currency Mismatch0Not applicable


The exposure amount after risk mitigation is calculated as follows:

VariablesE*= max {0, [E x (1 + He) – C x (1 – Hc – Hfx)]}Value
E*Net credit exposure (i.e. exposure value after CRM)69.4
EPrincipal Amount, which is net of specific provisions, if any For off-balance sheet, it is the credit equivalent amount1000
HeHaircut appropriate to the underlying exposure (cash)0
CValue of the collateral before CRM990
HcHaircut appropriate to the Collateral6%
HfxHaircut appropriate for Currency Mismatch0

  Risk weighted asset for the exposure = (69.40 * 50% (AA)) = 34.70

  (Exposure * Risk weight)