تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

3.4 Statutory Prohibitions

يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 13/7/2023

(AML-CFT Law Article 16.1(c); AML-CFT Decision Articles 13.1, 14, 35.4, 38)

Financial Institutions are prohibited from the following activities:

Establishing or maintaining any Customer or Business Relationship, conducting any financial or commercial transactions, keeping any accounts under an anonymous or fictitious name or by pseudonym or number;
Establishing or maintaining a Business Relationship or executing any transaction in the event they are unable to complete adequate risk-based CDD measures in respect of the Customer for any reason;
Dealing in any way with Shell Banks, whether to open (correspondent) bank accounts in their names, or to accept funds or deposits from them;
Invoking banking, professional or contractual secrecy as a pretext for refusing to perform their statutory reporting obligation in regard to suspicious activity;
Issuing or dealing in bearer shares or bearer share warrants.