تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

7.2 Processing of STRs by the FIU

يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 13/7/2023

(AML-CFT Law Articles 9-10; AML-CFT Decision Articles 42, 43.1-3, 49.3)

A core function of the FIU is to conduct operational analysis on STRs and information received from FIs, DNFBPs, as well as from Competent Authorities, and to support the investigations of Law Enforcement Authorities. It does so by identifying specific targets (such as persons, funds, or criminal networks) and by following the trail of specific transactions in order to determine the linkages between those targets and the possible proceeds of crime, money laundering, predicate offences and terrorist financing.

Upon the receipt of STRs or information from reporting institutions or other sources, the FIU assesses the information, prioritises the risk, and performs its own analyses using a variety of information sources and analytical techniques.

In certain cases, the FIU may request additional information from the reporting entity, Competent Authorities, or even from other FIs which also have a business relationship with the subject of its analysis or investigation, through the Integrated Enquiries Management System (IEMS). Upon concluding its analysis or investigation, the FIU may disseminate information about the case to Law Enforcement Authorities or foreign FIUs, and may, at its own discretion, also provide feedback to the reporting entity in the form of instructions regarding required actions to be taken, or recommendations and guidance.

In addition to the above, the FIU also performs strategic analysis, using data aggregated from the STRs and other information it receives, including from national and international Competent Authorities and FIUs of other countries, to identify trends and patterns relating to ML/FT. As a result of this analysis, the FIU may from time to time disseminate enhanced due diligence and fraud alerts to FIs as a preventive measure, and may also disseminate information to FIs about prevalent or new and emerging ML/FT typologies, or other specific risks which FIs should take into consideration.