تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

1.4. Acronyms and Definitions

يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 1/8/2022

Heads of International Organizations (HIO): Natural persons who are or have been entrusted with the management or any prominent function within an international organization.

International Organizations: Entities established by formal political agreements between their Member States that have the status of international treaties; their existence is recognised by law in their member countries; and they are not treated as resident institutional units of the countries in which they are located. Examples of international organisations include the United Nations and affiliated international organisations; regional international organisations; military international organisations, and economic organisations.

Politically Exposed Persons (PEP): Natural persons who are or have been entrusted with a prominent public function in the UAE or any other foreign country such as heads of states or governments, senior politicians, senior government officials, judicial or military officials, senior executive managers of state owned corporations, and senior officials of political parties, and persons who are, or have previously been, entrusted with the management of an international organisation or any prominent function within such an organisation; and the definition also includes the following:

 Direct family members (of the PEP who are spouses, children, spouses of children, parents)
 Associates known to be close to the PEP, which include:
  oIndividuals having joint ownership rights in a legal person or arrangement or any other close business relationship with the PEP;
  oIndividuals having individual ownership rights in a legal person or arrangement established in favor of the PEP.

Related Customers: Customers that are the direct family members of a PEP or the associates known to be close to a PEP.