تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

2.2 Vulnerabilities of Alternatives to Cash

يسري تنفيذه من تاريخ 27/9/2021

Illicit actors also use various monetary instruments in conjunction with, or as a replacement to, cash. Both bearer negotiable instruments and prepaid cards for instance offer similar benefits to cash, including anonymity and accessibility. They can store large amounts of value in a compact physical size that makes them potentially vulnerable to abuse by illicit actors who use them instead of cash to make physical cross-border transportations of value. Illicit actors seeking to avoid an LFI’s identification and verification requirements can exploit the ease of payment offered by bearer negotiable instruments and prepaid cards for the purpose of moving their proceeds—thus obscuring the origin of the funds—and converting them to payments for other goods or services. This may also include obtaining funds in one jurisdiction and having access to cash withdrawals in another jurisdiction. Additional characteristics and associated vulnerabilities of bearer negotiable instruments and prepaid cards are discussed below.