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  • Post-sale Provisions - Services

    • Article (19)

      1. The Company and the Insurance Agent –as case may be - shall abide by all legislations in force related to the electronic operations in the State, when selling any insurance policy through its website. The Insurance Broker shall comply with the aforementioned rules when issuing the insurance certificate.
      2. The Company, The Insurance Agent and the Insurance Broker shall develop clear procedures for the cancellation of the policy through their website.
    • Article (20)

      1. The Company and Insurance Agent shall communicate with the customer by using at least two means of communication preferred by the customer, such as; E -mail, registered mail, SMS and telephone.
      2. The Company and Insurance-Related Professions, when sending notification or announcement to more than one customer by E - mail or any other means of communication, shall verify and ensure that the notification or announcement does not contain any personal information relating to any customer and in a way that prevents the recipients of the notification or announcement to identify the identity of any other recipient.
      3. The Company, the Insurance Agent and the Insurance Broker, when issuing the insurance policy through their website, shall provide a special section for post sales services on the website, whereby the customer can perform any of the following operations:
        A. Render any additional services related to the valid policy.
        B. Demand to Make any amendments to the policy, such as; addition, renewal or cancellation.
        C. Verify the status of the policy (valid, expired or cancelled).
        D. Know the date of commencement of the insurance coverage, the expiry date, insurance amount and insurance policy number.
        E. View the premiums schedule.
        F. View the paid premiums, payment dates and amounts.
      4. The Company, the Insurance Agent and the Insurance Broker shall inform the customer one month at least before the expiry date of the insurance policy
        to enable the customer to renew the policy or obtain insurance coverage from another company. The Customer shall be informed through all the available means of communication referred to in Para (1) of the Article herein.