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  • Definitions

    • Article (1)

      The following terms and phrases shall have the meanings set against each, unless the context otherwise requires:

      The State:The United Arab Emirates.
      Law:Federal Law No. (6) of 2007 on the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and the Organization of Insurance Operations, as amended.
      Executive Regulations:The Executive Regulations of the Law.
      Authority:The Insurance Authority.
      Board:The Board of Directors of the Authority.
      Chairman:The Chairman of the Board of Directors.
      Director General:The Director General of the Authority.
      Company:The insurance company incorporated in the State and the foreign insurance company licensed to carry out insurance activities in the State either through a branch, or through an insurance agent. including Takaful insurance companies.
      Committee(s):The Committee for the Settlement and Resolution of Insurance Disputes.
      Insurance Disputes:The disputes arising from the complaints of the Insured, beneficiaries or the concerned affected parties against the Company.
      Insured:The person who has concluded an insurance contract with the company.
      Beneficiary:The person for whom the insurance stipulates for his interest, an amount of money, a fixed payment, or other financial compensation in case an accident happened, or if the insured risk in the insurance contract is realized
      Insurance Policy (Insurance Contract):The insurance document (policy) concluded by the insurer and insured containing the terms and conditions of the contract between the two parties, their liabilities, and rights or the rights of beneficiary of the insurance and any endorsements therein.
      Dispute:The complaint filed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Regulation herein.
      Complainant:The natural or corporate person that has filed the complaint in person, through his legal representative, attorney or the person acting on his behalf.
      Defendant:The company against which the complaint is filed.
      Dispute Settlement:The reconciliatory resolution of dispute between the parties.
      Dispute Resolution:The resolution of a Dispute by a decision of the Committee.
      Electronic Systems:The electronic, smart or other services approved by the Authority.
      Remote Communication Technology:The use of audiovisual means of communication between two or more parties to achieve remote presence and exchange of documents and regulations, including the registration of complaint, process of giving notice, hearing of complaint, sessions, deliberation, issuance and notification of the decision, made through the use of such technology.


      This article has been amended by the Insurance Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (9) of 2020. You are viewing the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
      Version 1(effective from 15/07/2019 to 12/03/2020)

      The following terms and phrases shall have the meanings set against each, unless the context otherwise requires:

      The State:The United Arab Emirates.
      Law:Federal Law No. (6) of 2007 on the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and the Organization of Insurance Operations, as amended.
      Executive Regulations:The Executive Regulations of the Law.
      Authority:The Insurance Authority.
      Board:The Board of Directors of the Authority.
      Chairman:The Chairman of the Board of Directors.
      Director General:The Director General of the Authority.
      Company:The insurance company incorporated in the State and the foreign insurance company licensed to carry out insurance activities in the State either through a branch, or through an insurance agent. including Takaful insurance companies.
      Committee(s):The Committee for the Settlement and Resolution of Insurance Disputes.
      Insurance Disputes:The disputes arising from the complaints of the Insured, beneficiaries or the concerned affected parties against the Company.
      Insured:The person who has concluded an insurance contract with the company.
      Beneficiary:The person who has initially acquired or to whom the rights of the Insurance Policy have been legally transferred.
      Insurance Policy (Insurance Contract):The insurance document (policy) concluded by the insurer and insured containing the terms and conditions of the contract between the two parties, their liabilities, and rights or the rights of beneficiary of the insurance and any endorsements therein.
      Dispute:The complaint filed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the Regulation herein.
      Complainant:The natural or corporate person that has filed the complaint in person, through his legal representative, attorney or the person acting on his behalf.
      Defendant:The company against which the complaint is filed.
      Dispute Settlement:The reconciliatory resolution of dispute between the parties.
      Dispute Resolution:The resolution of a Dispute by a decision of the Committee.
      Electronic Systems:The electronic, smart or other services approved by the Authority.
      Remote Communication Technology:The use of audiovisual means of communication between two or more parties to achieve remote presence and exchange of documents and regulations, including the registration of complaint, process of giving notice, hearing of complaint, sessions, deliberation, issuance and notification of the decision, made through the use of such technology.