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  • Challenge of Electronic Documents or Signature

    • Article (23)

      1. The copies of documents are accepted in the procedures implemented through remote communication technology. However, this does not prevent that the person who presents the documents be ordered to present the original documents to the Committee if this is deemed necessary by the Committee for taking decision.
      2. The challenge by a party of the documents presented by the other party only for being copies is disregarded, unless the party that challenges the same insists that these documents are inauthentic or have not been issued by the party to whom they are attributed.
      3. The provisions of this Regulation and the applicable legislations shall apply if the presented documents are challenged or alleged to be inauthentic.
      4. If the documents challenged prove to be authentic or to have been issued by the party to whom they are attributed, and the challenge or allegation of inauthenticity of such documents is unjustifiable and leads to delay of the Committee or the party presenting these documents incurring unjustified extra expenses, the Committee may order the party that has challenged or alleged these documents to be inauthentic to bear these expenses.