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  • Chapter Seven Registration

    • Article (20) Submission of Registration Applications

      1. Each insurance company established in the State or a branch of a licensed foreign insurance company shall submit an application to the Authority for registration in the register according to the form prescribed by the Authority for the purpose.
      2. The application for registration in the register shall be submitted in two copies signed by the legal representative of the company to the pertinent Department of the Authority within (30) days as from date of concluding the procedures of establishing and promulgating the company.
    • Article (21) Attachments to a Registration Application of a Company Established in the State

      The registration application shall be accompanied by the documents verifying accuracy of the details included therein including the following:

      1. A true copy of company's memorandum and articles of association attested by the pertinent authorities.
      2. A true copy of the notice declaring establishment of the company.
      3. A certified document to confirm that the company's capital equals no less than the minimum amount stated in the Resolution issued by the Cabinet of Ministers for the purpose.
      4. A certificate from a bank operating in the State establishing deposit of the amount provided for in Article (42) of the Law according to the form prescribed by the Authority.
      5. A statement of the insurance classes and types required to be carried out by the company in the State coupled with a statement of the general terms and conditions of the insurance operations of these classes and types.
      6. A statement of the benefits, limitations, and terms incorporated in the insurance policy to be issued by the company.
      7. A statement of the technical principles of the insurance operations of the two classes of insurance; insurance of persons and funds accumulation operation, the company requiring to carry out coupled with details of the principles of pricing these operations and a certificate by an actuary that the principles, benefits, and limitations of the insurance operations of these classes are accurate and apt be implemented.
      8. A statement of surrender values or reductions (for insurance of persons and funds accumulation operations).
      9. A specimen of each type of the insurance contracts to be issued by the company.
      10. A list approved by the company's chairman showing names of the members of the board of directors, their nationalities and addresses.
      11. A certified document showing names of the company's managers and senior officers, their nationalities, addresses and spheres and limits of their powers and a communication that they are authorized to manage the company and sign insurance contracts.
      12. An official certificate establishing that none of the company's managers ever been convicted for a breach of honor or trust and a written declaration by each manager that he never at any time declared bankrupt.
      13. Information on the company's general manager, the authorized manager or the senior officers and a proof establishing that they acquired the necessary qualifications and experiences or any other documents deemed fit by the Board.
      14. Any other documents determined by the Authority.
    • Article (22) Attachments to a Registration Application of a Foreign Insurance Company

      In addition to the documents stated in Article (21) of the Regulation herein a branch of a foreign insurance company shall attach the following documents:

      1. A duly certified document showing names of the branch's managers, their nationalities, addresses and spheres and limits of their powers including payment of the compensations and a communication that they are authorized to manage the branch, sign insurance contracts, and pay compensations when they are due.
      2. An approved certificate from the pertinent authorities in the company's country of registration indicating that the company is established and registered in that country according to the prevailing laws along with details of the activity which the company is licensed to carry out in that country, its legal status, the subscribed and paid up capital, and names of the representatives in charge of managing the branch of the company in the State, and spheres and limits of their powers.
      3. Any other documents determined by the Authority.
    • Article (23) Registration Application Decision

      1. The registration application shall be presented to the Director General attached therewith the opinion of the pertinent Department of the Authority within (30) days as from date of submission or of the date when the required statements and documents by the pertinent Department been satisfied as the case might necessitate.
      2. The Director General shall have the power to accept or reject the registration application and in case of rejection, the Director General shall specify the reasons led to so rejection. Accordingly, the pertinent Department of the Authority shall inform the applicant about the decision made by the Director General in this respect.
      3. The concerned party may place an appeal to the Board opposing the rejection decision within (30) days as from date of notification of the decision. The resolution of the Board in this respect shall be final.
    • Article (24) Acceptance and Registration of Applications

      In case of accepting the registration application, the pertinent Department of the Authority shall register the company in the register and hand over the applicant a certificate instituting such registration according to the form as prescribed by the Authority.

    • Article (25) Duration of Registration

      Duration of a company registration in the register shall be one calendar year.

    • Article (26) Management of Insurance Companies

      1. It's conditional on whosoever been appointed as a general manager, an authorized manager or a senior officer in the company to satisfy at least the following conditions:
        1. He should be a university graduate completed an accredited training course in the field of insurance or in any other related fields.
        2. Abundantly competent and experienced in insurance operations; having no less than 5 year experience in insurance operations (for UAE nationals) and 10 years (for non-UAE nationals).
        3. He should have worked as manager of one of the insurance departments of any duly licensed insurance company.
        4. He shouldn't be liable according to discretion of the Board for a serious violation of any of the provisions of the Law or the Companies Law in his capacity as general manager or board member of any of the companies including the liability of causing compulsory liquidation of the company.
        5. He should be of good conduct; never been convicted for a breach of honor, trust or public moral or declared bankrupt by the Court and not yet rehabilitated.
        6. He shouldn't ever been dismissed from any of the businesses of the company or any other company on disciplinary counts throughout the last five years.
        7. Any other requisites deemed fit by the Authority and issued upon a decision made by the Director General.
      2. The company's chairman and the board members, its general manager, the authorized manager or whosoever acting on his behalf or any other senior official shall be prohibited to:
        1. Take part in the management of any other competing insurance company or a similar one
        2. Compete the business of the company or do any works or activity in conflict with the interests of the company.
        3. Carry out the work of an insurance agent or broker.
        4. Receive any commission for any of the works of insurance or reinsurance.
      3. Those undertaking the management of a company or an employee therein as well shall be prohibited to represent any shareholder of the company he is working for.
      4. In implementing the provisions of the Article herein the competing or similar companies shall mean the companies are carrying out operations of same classes and types of insurance.
    • Article (27) Renewal of Registration

      1. A company registered in the register shall renew its registration annually by submitting an application to renew the registration to the pertinent Department of the Authority. The application shall be submitted on the form prescribed for the purpose by the Director General provided; submitting same being signed by the legal representative of the company along with the following documents:
        1. Reinsurance strategy for the next financial year.
        2. Any details or documents required from the company according to the provisions of the Law, or the regulations, directives or resolutions issued pursuant thereto which the company did not provide at some stage during the year
      2. The Authority shall renew the company's registration after ascertaining fulfillment of the requisites for renewing the registration and payment of the prescribed fees.
    • Article (28) Alterations in the Registration

      1. The company shall notify the Authority about each and every alteration or amendment may occur in respect of the particulars of the registration application or the documents attached thereto whether by means of addendum, deletion or amendment.
      2. Such notification shall be made by submitting an application for endorsement, according to the form prescribed by the Authority for the purpose, signed by the legal representative of the company to the pertinent Department of the Authority within (15) days as from date of occurrence of the alteration or amendment along with the documents verifying accuracy of the details included therein certified by the pertinent authorities and in conformity with the provisions of the Regulation herein.
      3. Should the required alteration or amendment affected the operations' principles of both insurance of persons and funds accumulation or the benefits, limitations or the terms and conditions incorporated in the insurance policy related to these operations, the company shall submit along with the notification a certificate by an actuary that these principles, benefits, limitations or terms and conditions are accurate and apt be implemented.
    • Article (29) Citing the Registration Number

      Each company happened to accomplish its registration in the register shall put together its name, its registration number and date as in the register on all publications, contracts, correspondences, notices, certificates, and policies issued by the company.