Standard Re External Shari’ah Audit for Takaful Insurance Companies
N 5877/2024 Effective from 6/12/2024Article (1) Introduction
The Central Bank seeks to promote development of the Takaful Insurance activities to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency. To achieve this, Takaful Insurance Companies (“the Company/Companies”) must comply with the requirements stated in this Standard when appointing a specialized external firm to conduct External Shari’ah Audit.
Article (2) Objective
The objective of this Standard is to set the minimum requirements that must be adhered for conducting an External Shari’ah Audit for the purpose of reassuring shareholders, participants, and all stakeholders regarding the Company’s compliance with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions.
Article (3) Scope of Application
3.1 This Standard applies to the Companies in the case where:
- the Company appoints an External Shari’ah Auditor on a voluntary basis, or - there is a regulatory requirement to appoint an External Shari’ah Auditor.
3.2 This Standard applies to all incorporated Takaful Insurance Companies. Companies established in the UAE with Group relationships, including subsidiaries, affiliates, or international branches, must ensure that the Standard is adhered to on a solo and Group-wide basis. 3.3 This Standard must be read in conjunction with the standards and resolutions issued by the Central Bank and the Higher Shari’ah Authority (“HSA”) and notified to Takaful Insurance Companies.
Article (4) Definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings stated below.
a. Senior Management: The individuals or body responsible for managing the Company on a day-to-day basis in accordance with strategies, policies and procedures set out by the Board, generally including, but not limited to, the chief executive officer, chief financial officer, chief risk officer, and heads of functions of compliance, Internal Shari’ah Control, internal audit and Internal Shari’ah Audit. b. Internal Shari’ah Control Division (or Section): A technical division (or section) in the Takaful Insurance Company that supports the ISSC in its mandate. c. Compliance with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions: It refers to compliance with Islamic Shari’ah in according with:
a. The provisions stated in Section Six of Book Three of the Commercial Transactions Law, b. The provisions contained in the bylaws issued implementing Section Six of Book Three of the Commercial Transactions Law, c. The resolutions, Fatwas, regulations and standards issued or adopted by the Higher Shari’ah Authority in relation to businesses and activities of the Company ("HSA’s Resolutions"), d. The resolutions and Fatwas issued or approved by the Internal Shari’ah Supervision Committee of the respective Company, in relation to businesses and activities of such Company ("ISSC’s Resolutions"), provided that they do not contradict HSA’s Resolutions.
d. Exteranal Shari’ah Audit: An independent process to inspect and assess the Company’s compliance with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions, and the level of adequacy and effectiveness of its Shari’ah governance systems for the relevant fiscal year, conducted by an external party. e. Internal Shari’ah Audit: The regular process to inspect and assess the Company’s compliance with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions and the level of adequacy and effectiveness of Company’s Shari’ah governance systems conducted by the Internal Shari’ah Audit division or department. f. Company/Companies: The Takaful Insurance Company, which is incorporated and practices its business in accordance with the provisions of the Law, the Executive Regulation and the Regulation regarding Takaful Insurance, and whose all businesses and activities are in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah Provisions. g. Commercial Transactions Law: Federal Decree Law No. (50) of 2022 regarding the Commercial Transactions Law. h. Internal Shari’ah Supervision Committee (“ISSC”): A body appointed by a Company, comprised of scholars specialized in Islamic financial transactions, which independently supervises transactions, activities, and products of the Company and ensure its compliance with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions in all its objectives, activities, operations, and code of conduct. i. Board: Takaful Insurance Company’s board of directors. j. Shari’ah Non-Compliance Risks: Probability of financial loss or reputational risk that Takaful Insurance Company might incur for not complying with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions. k. External Shari’ah Auditor: The Shari’ah audit firm and the individual audit engagement team members conducting the Shari’ah audit. Where relevant, specific references are made to the external Shari’ah audit firm only in certain paragraphs. l. Central Bank: The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates. m. Regulation: Regulation regarding Takaful Insurance issued in 2022. n. Higher Shari’ah Authority: An authority that exercises the mandates and authorities stipulated in the Decretal Federal Law No. (48) of 2023 Regarding the Insurance Law.
Article (5) Purpose of the External Shari’ah Audit
The purpose of the External Shari’ah Audit is to reach reasonable and independent assurance regarding the Company’s Compliance with Islamic Shari’ah Provisions through an expression of an opinion thereon from the External Shari’ah Auditor.
Article (6) Basis of the External Shari’ah Audit
6.1 The External Shari’ah Auditor’s opinion must rely on the Shari’ah basis as per the order stated in Article (4/c). 6.2 If the External Shari’ah Auditor comes across an issue for which no provision is found in the list stated in Article (6.1), the External Shari’ah Auditor must refer to the Company’s Internal Shari’ah Supervision Committee (ISSC) to obtain a Shari’ah resolution for the same.
Article (7) Fit and Proper
7.1 To conduct External Shari’ah Audit for Companies, the external Shari’ah audit firm must be approved by the Central Bank. The firm will be granted the Central Bank approval after fulfilling certain criteria, including that the firm must have:
a. a license issued by competent authorities to perform its business in the UAE, b. at least three years of experience in Shari’ah audit. As for new firms, the approval may be granted to such external Shari’ah audit firms under special conditions that enable them to gain experience in External Shari’ah Audit, c. adequate resources to conduct the duties of External Shari’ah Audit and disclose the names of personnel specialized in Shari’ah audit engaged by the firm, d. an External Shari’ah Audit team that meet the competencies required to carry out External Shari’ah Audit tasks. These include Shari’ah proficiency, accounting and legal experience, and other competencies according to the nature of the Company’s business. In all cases, the personnel specialized in Shari’ah audit who meet the conditions stipulated in Article (7.3) must not be less than two-thirds of the team members, e. formal manual that states its methodology in conducting External Shari’ah Audit’s tasks. The manual should be in line with the best practices in this field.
7.2 Firms that conduct external audit and are not specialized in External Shari’ah Audit, they may perform External Shari’ah Audit as long as they meet the criteria stipulated in this Standard and they must be approved by the Central Bank. 7.3 Personnel specialized in Shari’ah audit must fulfil the following conditions:
a. Should have a university degree in Islamic Shari’ah or relevant specializations. b. Should have an experience in the field of Takaful insurance and/or the field of insurance, with priority being experience in Takaful insurance. c. Should have a professional certificate in Shari’ah Auditing such as certificates issued by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) or the General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI). d. Should have sufficient expertise of at least seven years in Shari’ah Audit. e. Proficiency in Arabic and English. f. Should not be sentenced by a final decision in crimes related to honor or honesty, or convicted of offences and sentenced by imprisonment.
Article (8) Appointment of External Shari’ah Auditor
8.1 The Board or its audit committee, in coordination with the ISSC, must recommend to the general assembly the appointment, re-appointment, dismissal, or the remuneration of the firm after ensuring that the firm has been pre-approved by the Central Bank. 8.2 The general assembly of the Takaful Insurance Company appoints, reappoints or dismisses the firm, and sets its remuneration, on an annual basis, in order for the firm to carry out its duties as specified in this Standard or as determined by the Central Bank and the HSA. 8.3 The audit committee must ensure that the External Shari’ah Audit team members as a whole have the expertise stated in Article (7.1/d) and that at least two-thirds of the team members are qualified personnel in Shari’ah audit who meet the conditions stated in Article (7.3) before submitting the appointment recommendation. 8.4 The Company, any of its Board members, any ISSC member, or their relatives including their second-degree must not be shareholders in the appointed external Shari’ah audit firm. This is also applicable to the External Shari’ah Audit team. 8.5 The Company must determine the External Shari’ah Auditor’s terms of engagement in written contract, which at a minimum, provides that:
a. the External Shari’ah Auditor must meet with the Central Bank as deemed necessary for supervisory purposes. The Central Bank will determine whether the Company will participate in such meetings; b. the External Shari’ah Auditor bears no duty of confidentiality to the Company with respect to any notification of meeting with the Central Bank required by this Standard, or the provision of any document or information required to be submitted to, or requested by, the Central Bank for supervisory purposes; and c. the External Shari’ah Auditor must provide, upon the request of the Central Bank, access to any documents that support conclusions made in the Shari’ah audit opinion.
8.5 The External Shari’ah Auditor or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates companies must not provide any consulting services or services other than External Shari’ah Audit scope that would jeopardize its objectivity or independence during the years of the assignment as an External Shari’ah Auditor. 8.6 The External Shari’ah Auditor must not obtain any financial or in-kind consideration or benefits other than the contractual compensation/consideration for the External Shari’ah Audit work. 8.7 The Company must terminate the contract or dismiss the external Shari’ah audit firm if it is proven to be not in adherence to the relevant professional standards, lacks sufficient experience or independence, or there are supervisory observations regarding the firm from the Central Bank. In any case, the approval of the Central Bank must be obtained before terminating or dismissing the services of the firm. 8.8 The Company must rotate their external Shari’ah audit firm at least every 6 years, subject to the conduct of a procurement procedure. In addition, the Company must rotate their external Shari’ah audit firm’s partner in charge of the audit every 3 years.
Article (9) Responsibility of the Takaful Insurance Company
9.1 The Company must comply with the requirements stated in this Standard and the relevant Shari’ah governance standards. The Board has the ultimate responsibility in this regard and it may delegate some relevant tasks to the audit committee. 9.2 The audit committee should follow up on the work of the External Shari’ah Audit in accordance with this Standard and the relevant Shari’ah governance standards.
Article (10) Scope of External Shari’ah Audit
10.1 The scope of work of the External Shari’ah Auditor includes any aspect that is deemed necessary to express an opinion on the extent of the Company’s compliance with provisions of Islamic Shari’ah in accordance with the approved Shari’ah basis, and this may include:
a. The Company and its branches, departments, and subsidiaries and affiliates. b. Any existing activity, product and service. c. Forms, contracts, agreements, and operation processes/procedures. d. Bylaws, instructions, work procedures, and product programs. e. Basis for calculating and distributing the surplus and ensuring the expenses are well allocated between shareholders’ account and participants’ accounts. f. Accounting systems and Information Technology systems. g. The Company’s Shari’ah governance systems and framework, the evaluation of the independence of the internal Shari’ah control departments and their effectiveness, and verification of the Company’s adherence to its policies and procedures in this regard, including its commitment to its responsibilities stipulated in ISSC’s charter. h. Internal Shari’ah audit manual and plan to ensure that they have been approved by the ISSC, as decided by HSA. i. Any other aspects that the External Shari’ah Auditor needs to examine for the purpose of forming its opinion.
10.2 The External Shari’ah Auditor is not responsible to ensure the competency of the members of the ISSC or to evaluate their resolutions. 10.3 The External Shari’ah Auditor may determine the extent of reliance on the work of the internal Shari’ah auditor after examining four elements:
a. Organizational structure including administrative reporting and submission reports, b. Scope of work, c. Professional competency, d. Professional performance.
Article (11) External Shari’ah Audit Frequency
In case there is no regulatory requirement to appoint an external Shari’ah audit firm to conduct the External Shari’ah Audit for the Company, it is recommended to conduct External Shari’ah Audit at least once every three years.
Article (12) External Shari’ah Auditor Report
12.1 The External Shari’ah Auditor must submit its report to the general assembly, after the report is approved by the Central Bank. A copy of the report shall be sent to the Board and to the ISSC. If the Company does not have a general assembly, the report shall be submitted to the Board. 12.2 A copy of the External Shari’ah Auditor report shall be sent to the ISSC before the ISSC issues the annual Shari’ah report. 12.3 A copy of the External Shari’ah Auditor report shall be published in the Company’s annual financial statements, and if there are reservations in the report, these must be stated without prejudice to the confidentiality of the related transactions. 12.4 The External Shari’ah Auditor report must contain at least the following points:
a. Report title; b. The party to whom the report is submitted; c. Scope of audit engagement; d. An introductory paragraph about the details of the work during the audit, such as the number and dates of field visits, etc.; e. The responsibility of the Board and the Company's Senior Management for compliance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah; f. Responsibility of the External Shari’ah Auditor; g. Expression of opinion paragraph; and h. Date, address, and signature of the External Shari’ah Auditor.
12.5 The External Shari’ah Auditor must report the observed weaknesses in the Company’s internal Shari’ah control system, or any other weaknesses observed during the audit. It should be submitted to the Company’s audit committee and to the ISSC, with a special detailed report addressed to them only. 12.6 If the External Shari’ah Auditor finds, during the audit, a mismatch between any resolution of the Company’s ISSC and the resolutions of the HSA; a special report on this matter must be sent to the ISSC for information. If the ISSC approves the observations, it must take appropriate measures in this regard, and its secretariat will retain the report for regulatory purposes. 12.7 In the event of a conflict of opinion between the ISSC and the External Shari’ah Auditor regarding Shari’ah aspects, the opinion of the ISSC shall prevail.
Article (13) Duty to Report to the Central Bank
13.1 External Shari’ah Auditors must promptly report to the Central Bank regarding any violations of relevant laws, regulations, instructions and any matters of significance arising from their audit of the Company. External Shari’ah Auditors making such reports in good faith shall not be considered to have breached any of their obligations. 13.2 The Company must promptly notify the Central Bank in case of resignation of their External Shari’ah Auditor and the reasons thereof, as well as obtain the no-objection from the Central Bank in case of their dismissal or change. Divergence of opinions between the Company and its External Shari’ah Auditor cannot be ground for dismissal.
Article (14) External Shari’ah Audit Firm and Internal Shari’ah Audit Division
14.1 The Company is not allowed to outsource the Internal Shari’ah Audit to external parties. However, the Internal Shari’ah Audit Division may, with the approval of the audit committee of the Board and the ISSC, seek the assistance of external Shari’ah audit firm after obtaining approval of the Central Bank and the HSA. 14.2 If the Company does not appoint a head of the Internal Shari’ah Audit Division for reasons agreed upon with the Central Bank and the HSA, the Company must appoint an external Shari’ah audit firm to carry out the duties of the head of the Internal Shari’ah Audit, with the participation of the internal Shari’ah auditor (other than the head). The external Shari’ah audit firm shall be compatible with Article (7) of this Standard, and shall carry out the tasks of the head of the Internal Shari’ah Audit, as stipulated in the Shari’ah Governance Standard for Takaful Insurance Companies (Shari’ah Governance Standard). The appointment and dismissal of the Firm shall be subject to the requirements of the Shari’ah Governance Standard and the relevant requirements of this Standard. This appointment shall be for a maximum period of five years. 14.3 The Company must not appoint the same external Shari’ah audit firm to carry out the role of head of the Internal Shari’ah Audit Division and carry out the external Shari’ah audit.
Article (15) Interpretation of Standard
The Regulatory Development Department of the Central Bank shall be the reference for interpretation of the provisions of this Standard.
Article (16) Compliance with the Standard
Appointing an External Shari’ah Auditor is not mandatory unless it required by the Central Bank or the HSA. However, if a Company appoints an External Shari’ah Auditor, it must fully comply with the requirements stated in this Standard. This Standard becomes effective one financial year after its date of issuance.