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  • Additional Clarifications to Regulation No. 29/2011 Regarding Bank Loans & Services Offered to Individual Customers

    N 4501/2011 Effective from 7/7/2011

    Further to our Notice No 2901/2011 dated 28/04/2011 on the Clarifications and Guidelines Manual, several banks have sought guidance and clarifications on some additional matters. After reviewing their responses, it has been decided to add the attached clarifications.

    Other issues, which are currently under discussion with the banks, shall be clarified in due course.

    • ANNEXURE TO NOTICE NO. 4501/2011 dated 07/07/2011 Clarifications to Regulation No 29/2011 dated 23.02.2011 on Bank Loans and Services Offered to Individual Customers

      Article (2) - Personal Loan:

      1. If certain existing personal loans availed by UAE Nationals have been fully or partly utilised for Residential Real Estate purposes, banks may with the explicit consent of the borrower suitably segregate them and set up separate loans in accordance with these guidelines and internal policies of the bank. All real estate loans should be supported by official and other documents regarding purchase, development or improvement of the property. The related installments should not exceed 50% limit alongwith other repayments in accordance with the Regulations.

      Article (7) - Repayment Installments:

      1. In existing loans not covered under (1) above where total repayment burden exceeds 50% of gross salary and regular income, banks may agree to restructure/ reschedule the loan for longer than 48 months provided no fresh funds are made available to the borrower till regularization within the laid down criteria.
      2. Banks are permitted to defer upto two instalments in a year at their discretion.