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Appendix 1 - ICAAP: Mandatory disclosure form (Table 2)

C 52/2017 GUI Effective from 1/4/2021

134. All banks are required to disclose the following information as a separate cover sheet when submitting the ICAAP report to the Central Bank:

Table 2 - ICAAP Mandatory Details

Contact point name and contact details[name, email, phone number]
Scope of ICAAP (entities included)[name, email, phone number]
I (full name) in my role as CRO hereby confirm the following on the ICAAP report:
(i) We have identified all material risks and allocated capital accordingly[tick box if completed]
(ii) We have set out a 3-5 year forward looking capital plan based on the strategic/ financial plan of the bank[tick box if completed]
(iii) We have implemented a 3-5 year forward-looking stress test and measured the impact on the capital position of the bank[tick box if completed]
(iv) The ICAAP has been signed off by:[relevant details from Board committee (Managing Director /highest committee for foreign banks)]
(v) The ICAAP has been challenged/ by the Board (highest committee for foreign banks) and the nature of the challenge will be communicated to the Central Bank[tick box if completed]
CRO signature[signature]