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  • Amendments to Appendix 2 of Regulation No. 29/2011 - Regulations regarding Bank Loans & Other Services Offered to Individual Customers

    N 3986/2019 Effective from 8/10/2019

    Please be informed that the Board of Directors of the Central Bank has issued Decision No. 96/By Circulation/2019, regarding the following:

    1. 1- Amending Appendix 2 of Regulation No. 29/2011 - Regulations regarding Bank Loans & Other Services Offered to Individual Customers (Copy enclosed). By this amendment, the early settlement or partial settlement fee applying to home loans has been reverted to maximum 1% of the outstanding balance or AED 10,000, whichever is less.
    3. 2- Banks and finance companies that arbitrarily changed the stated terms of the fees in existing customer agreements, thus violated item 7 of the amendments of Regulation No. 29/2011 attached to Notice No. 157/2018, are required to respect the original terms of the agreements and refund all overcharges for all customers based on their original fee within 30 days of this notice.

    We attach herewith a copy of the above Decision and please circulate it internally.

    The attached Decision comes into force with immediate effect.

    • Central Bank Board of Directors’ Resolution No. 96/By Circulation/2019 of Amending Appendix 2 of Regulation No. 29/2011 - Regulations regarding Bank Loans & Other Services Offered to Individual Customers


      Having perused the provisions of the Decretal Federal Law No. (14) of 2018 Regarding the Central Bank & Organization of Financial Institutions and Activities; and

      Regulation No. 29/2011 - Regulations regarding Bank Loans & Other Services Offered to Individual Customers, its amendments and additional clarifications.

      The Central Bank's Board of Directors has issued the following resolution:

      Article One:

      The Appendix 2 of Regulation No. 29/2011 - Regulations regarding Bank Loans & Other Services Offered to Individual Customers shall be replaced with the enclosed appendix.

      Article Two:

      This Resolution shall be communicated to whomsoever is concerned for implementation, and shall be published in the Official Gazette in both Arabic and English.


      Amendment to the Regulations Regarding Bank Loans & Services Offered to Individual Customers (29/2011)


      Please note that paragraphs 4 and 5 are cancelled by Notice No. (2535/2022). 
      1. This Amendment applies to and forms part of the Regulations Regarding Bank Loans & Services Offered to Individual Customers (29/2011) (the “Regulations”). It applies specifically to Appendix 2 of those Regulations, which set out the “Maximum Limits for Fees and Commissions Charged on Retail Customer Service”. Upon coming into force, this Amendment replaces the previous version of Appendix 2 and is mandatory and enforceable in the same manner as the Regulations. This Amendment also replaces any other fee caps set out by the Central Bank at this time but not future caps set outside of the scope of this document.
      2. All fees set out in this Amendment are exclusive of UAE VAT charges.
      3. Article 11 of 29/2011 remains in force and banks and finance companies must comply accordingly.
      4. Banks and finance companies will need to notify and seek approval from the CBUAE ex-ante for any planned introduction of a new fee or a change in existing fee levels (which are larger than 5%) not capped by this amendment. Such notifications can be submitted to the CBUAE during the first 5 business days of April and October of any given year.
      5. The Central Bank will accept ad hoc notifications for exempt fees on an ad hoc basis where it is shown to the Central Bank’s satisfaction that these relate to new products. This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
      6. The fee caps set out in this Amendment represent the maximum permissible charges. Banks and finance companies must have appropriate product approval processes in place for all products, which include an examination of the basis and appropriateness of a fee calculation and, if applicable, must charge lower fees than those prescribed in these caps.
      7. The Central Bank will supervise regulated entities to ensure that rates are applied in a fair and appropriate manner. This will include ensuring that regulated entities do not automatically default to using maximum caps where actual costs may be lower.
      8. Regulated entities to which the Regulations apply are required to provide the Central Bank with a full list of the fees they charge no later than 30 days after this Amendment comes into force. Up to date fees should also be made publicly available and should be easily accessible for consumers (e.g. online and in branches).
      9. These fee caps will be reviewed on an annual basis for continued suitability.


      Maximum Limits for Fees and Commissions Charged on Retail Customer Service

      No.ProductFeeCap (AED)
      1Personal AccountsAccount closure fee100
      2Personal AccountsAccount balance letter50
      3Personal AccountsNo liability certificate60
      4Personal AccountsRelease letter50
      5Personal AccountsLiability letter issued to Govt Departments/embassies60
      6Personal AccountsLiability letter issued to financial institutions60
      7Debit CardIssuing supplementary ATM Card25
      8Debit CardReplacing Secret Pin Code25
      9Debit CardReplacing lost or stolen ATM card25
      10Debit CardOwn ATM fees0
      11Debit CardFees for using other bank’s ATM2
      12Debit CardCopy of sales slip25
      13Consumer LoansDelayed payment penal interest chargesMax 200
      14Consumer LoansEarly settlement from other bank loans1% Max 10,000
      15Consumer LoansFinal settlement from other sources/EOSB1% Max 10,000
      16Consumer LoansPartial payment1% Max 10,000
      17Consumer LoansRevolving overdraft fees200
      18Consumer LoansLoan Cancellation Fee100
      19Consumer LoansOther (loan copy, issuing redemption statements, audit confirmation etc)25
      20Car LoansEarly settlement1% outstanding
      21Car LoansNOC to Traffic Department0
      22Car LoansAdvance payment of installment1% of installment
      23Car LoansLate payment penal chargesMax 500
      24Car LoansIssuance of liability letter to other banks60
      25Car LoansCancellation fee100
      26RemittanceSwift copy charges15
      27RemittanceDemand draft/pay order issuance/cancellation75
      28Customer Term DepositsAccount closure fees-terms depositsCost (max 2%)
      29Credit CardsCard replacement fee75
      30Credit CardsLiability/no liability letter50
      31Credit CardsDuplicate statement45
      32Credit CardsCopy of sales voucher65
      33Credit CardsLate Payment feesMax 230
      34Home LoansLate payment feesMax 700
      35Home LoansEarly settlement feesMax 1% of outstanding balance or 10,000, whichever is less
      36Home LoansIssuance of liability letter85
      37Home LoansOther certificate75
      38Home LoansNon-standard statement production/copy of original documentation100
       Home LoansProperty swaps administration feeMax 1320
      (valuation included)
      40Home LoansIssuance of NOC150
      41Home LoansPartial settlement chargesMax 1% of outstanding balance or 10,000, whichever is less
      42Home LoansClearance letter95
      43Home LoansRequest of other letters90