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Article (102)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007
This article has been cancelled pursuant to the Federal Law No. (03) of 2018. To see the previous version, click on the version box below
Version 1(effective from 15/02/2007 to 26/04/2018)


A fine of no less than a hundred thousand Dirhams and no more than two hundred Dirhams shall be imposed on anybody who violated the provisions of Article (30), Article (35), Article (59), Article (64), Article (66), Article (73), and Para (2) of Article (74), Para (1) of Article (76), and Para (2) of Article (117), of the law herein.

The same fine as well shall be imposed on anybody who refused to provide the Authority with the documents, information, and statements need be submitted according to the provisions of the law herein, the regulations, rules, and directives issued pursuant thereto or obstructed or hindered the Director General or whosoever he authorized to execute his duties and powers stated in the provisions of the law herein, the regulations, rules, and directives issued pursuant thereto or interfered to prohibit them to obtain the information needed to execute their duties or abstained from providing them with these information or fallen short to provide them therewith within the limited period. The fine shall be doubled in case of repeating the violation.