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Article (3)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007
  1. An insurance is a contract pursuant thereto the insurer shall be obliged to pay the insured or the beneficiary whose in his favor the insurance has been concluded a sum of money, regular proceeds or other monetary indemnity in case the insured accident or risk occurred, in return of installments or any other monetary sums paid by the insured thereto.
  2. The insurer shall pay the indemnity provided for in the insurance contract to the insured or the beneficiary, as the case might be, as soon as the insured accident or risk occurred and thereupon the insurer shall legally subrogate the insured or the beneficiary in respect of the rights or obligations of each one of them.
  3. The company shall be obligated to conclude insurance contracts for all the vehicles licensed to get going in the State when so required by the pertinent authorities. The executive regulation of the law herein shall determine the insurance's premium tariffs while magnitude of the risks should be taken into consideration.