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Article (3) Application

C 3/2023 Effective from 29/9/2023
3.1This Regulation applies to Finance Companies and Restricted Licence Finance Companies except where specifically mentioned otherwise in this Regulation. All branches of any Finance Company or Restricted Licence Finance Company operating in the U.A.E. shall be regarded together as one Licensee.
3.2Part I of this Regulation applies fully to Finance Companies with the exception of Restricted Licence Finance Companies.
3.3Part II of this Regulation applies fully to Restricted Licence Finance Companies. Finance Companies and Banks must ensure that their Agents comply with the Articles in Part II of the Regulation which are applicable to Agents, as indicated. Agents are not required to comply with Articles (21) – Licensing, (22) – License Restrictions, and (25) – Minimum Capital Requirements.
3.4Part III of this Regulation applies fully to Finance Companies and Restricted Licence Finance Companies.