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Article (75)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007

1. The director general shall form an assessment committee participating therein one representative of each company, the accounts auditors thereof, as well as experts and specialist. The director general shall appoint one of them as chairman of the committee.

2. The committee provided for in Para (1) of the Article herein shall assume assessment of all assets, rights and obligations of the companies intending merger in order to indicate the shareholders' net rights on the date set for the merger. The committee shall file its report to the director general along with the company's statement of accounts produced as a result of the merger within a period not to exceed ninety days as from date of referring the matter thereto. The Board on recommendation of the director general may extend such period for a similar period in case of necessity, provided the companies intending merger shall equally bear remunerations of the assessment committee and in case of difference thereat these remunerations shall be determined by decision of the director general. However, director general's decision in this respect shall be final.

3. The director general shall file the committee's report to the Board along with his recommendations and should the Board approve the committee's report, the Board shall form an executive committee composed of the chairmen and Board members of the companies intending the merger and the companies' auditors to handle the excutionary procedures of merger according to the provisions of the commercial companies' law.