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Article (76)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007

1. The companies, the parties of the merger, shall let the insured review the agreement on which the merger has been accomplished in order to verify its articles. The agreement shall be displayed at the main office of each one of these companies for fifteen days as from date of publishing the decision of merger in the Gazette.

2. Any interested party shall have the right to raise an objection before the Board within thirty days as from date of publishing the decision of merger, provided the objector shall indicate the subject matter of his objection, the sustaining reasons thereto and specifically state the damages alleged to be inflicted due to merger. Should the Board failed to settle the objection for any reason within thirty days as from date of referring the same thereto the objector shall have the right to recourse to the court of jurisdiction. However, these objections or claims filed with the court shall not cease the decision of merger unless the court orders otherwise.

3. The Board shall issue the instructions relevant to the procedures of merger and settlement of objections raised thereto in this respect and all the matters related thereto.