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Article (77)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007
  1. A. For the purposes of restructuring the company according to Para (2.J.) of Article (41) of the law herein the Board on basis of a presentation by the director general may dissolve the company's board of directors and form a neutral committee to restructure the company composed of experienced and specialized individuals and appoint a chairman for the committee and a deputy thereto for a period not to exceed a year as from date of issuing a decision thereto. The fees of the committee as determined by the Board shall be borne by the company. The committee shall file a monthly report to the director general on the progress of the restructuring procedures or whenever so requested.

    B. The process of restructuring shall include for the purpose, managing the company and organizing the staggering financial affairs through negotiations with all its debtors in order to determine means to settle debts of the company by approving a restructuring plan.

2. The committee provided for in Para (1.A.) of the Article herein shall publish a notice once in the Gazette and for three consecutive working days in two widely circulated local daily newspapers issued in Arabic and in a local daily newspaper issued in English; all at the company's own expenses. The notice shall include calling all the creditors to file statements of their debts supported with confirmatory documents within a period not exceeding thirty days as from date of publishing the latest notice. However, any statements filed by any creditor upon lapse of such period shall not be considered.