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Article (78)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007

1. Irrespective of the provisions stated in any other legislation, the execution of any levy whether precautionary or executionary on the company's funds or assets or any action or execution on these funds or assets shall stay as from date of issuing the decision of the restructuring pending occurrence of any of the following cases:

  1. The period provided for in Para 1.A. of Article (77) of the law herein lapsed in case the restructuring plan has been approved.
  2. The Board issued a decision according to the provisions of the law herein rejecting the restructuring plan.
  3. The creditors rejected the restructuring plan according to the provisions of the law herein.
  4. The Board issued a decision bringing the restructuring procedures to halt according to the provisions of the law herein.

2. Computing of the time limit to deny hearing of legal proceedings by reason of time-lapse shall cease in connection with the procedures provided for in Para (1) of the Article herein.