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Article (90)

FED LAW 6/2007 Effective from 15/2/2007

1. Taking into consideration the provisions relevant to the insured and the beneficiaries of the insurance policies, the liquidator shall publish within thirty days as from date of issuing the decision of liquidation a notice in a clearly visible space in two widely circulated daily local newspapers issued in Arabic and in a daily local newspaper issued in English advising the creditors of the necessity of presenting their claims against the company whether being due or not within two months should they are residing inside the State and three months should they are residing outside it.

2. The notice shall be republished in the same manner immediately after lapse of fourteen days as from date of publishing the first notice. The time-lapse period of the claims shall be computed as from date of publishing the first notice.

3. Should the liquidator or the court of jurisdiction became convinced that there is a legitimate excuse for the creditor failure to present his claim during the period specified in Para (1) of the Article herein such period shall be extended for another three month at most.

4. The period as from date of issuing the decision of liquidation up to date of publishing the first notice mentioned in Para (1) of the Article herein shall not be computed within the period determined to bar hearing of the creditors' claims of any rights or claims towards the company under liquidation.