Book traversal links for D. Format and Reporting Frequency of Each Disclosure Requirement
D. Format and Reporting Frequency of Each Disclosure Requirement
C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/4/202127.The schedule below presents a summary of the disclosure requirements, whether they are required in a fixed or flexible format. It also lists the publishing frequency associated with each template and table. Please also note that the below tables will be available as an Excel file on the Central Bank alert portal on the Central Bank's website for download.
Please note: It is mandatory for all local banks to report all tables as per below schedule. It is also mandatory for branches of foreign banks with RWA of more than AED 5 billion to report all tables as per below schedule.
Branches of foreign banks with RWA of less than AED 5 billion should report the below tables highlighted in Yellow and BOLD only as mandatory.
Topic | Table | Information Overview | Format | Disclosure Frequency |
Overview of risk management and RWA | KM1 | Key metrics (at consolidated group level) | Fixed | Quarterly |
OVA | Bank risk management approach | Flexible | Annual | |
OV1 | Overview of RWA | Fixed | Quarterly | |
Linkages between financial statements and regulatory exposures | LI1 | Differences between accounting and regulatory scopes of consolidation and mapping of financial statement categories with regulatory risk categories | Flexible | Annual |
LI2 | Main sources of differences between regulatory exposure amounts and carrying values in financial statements | Flexible | Annual | |
LIA | Explanations of differences between accounting and regulatory exposure amounts | Flexible | Annual | |
Prudential valuation adjustments | PV1 | Prudent valuation adjustments | Fixed | Annual |
Composition of capital | CC1 | Composition of regulatory capital | Fixed | Semi-annual |
CC2 | Reconciliation of regulatory capital to balance sheet | Flexible | Semi-annual | |
CCA | Main features of regulatory capital instruments | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
Macroprudential Supervisory measures | CCyB1 | Geographical distribution of credit exposures used in the countercyclical buffer* | Flexible | Semi-annual |
LR1 | Summary comparison of accounting assets vs leverage ratio exposure measure (January 2014 standards) | Fixed | Quarterly | |
Leverage ratio | LR2 | Leverage ratio common disclosure template (January 2014 standards) | Fixed | Quarterly |
LIQA | Liquidity risk management | Flexible | Annual | |
Liquidity | LIQ1 | Liquidity Coverage Ratio | Fixed | Quarterly |
LIQ2 | Net Stable Funding Ratio | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CRA | General qualitative information about credit risk | Flexible | Annual | |
Credit risk | CR1 | Credit quality of assets | Fixed | Semi-annual |
CR2 | Changes in the stock of defaulted loans and debt securities | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CRB | Additional disclosure related to credit quality of assets | Flexible | Annual | |
CRC | Qualitative information on the mitigation of credit risk | Flexible | Annual | |
CR3 | Credit risk mitigation techniques – overview | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CRD | Qualitative disclosures on banks' use of external credit ratings under the standardised approach for credit risk | Flexible | Annual | |
CR4 | Standardised approach - credit risk exposure and CRM effects | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CR5 | Standardised approach - exposures by asset classes and risk weights | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CCRA | Qualitative disclosure related to CCR | Flexible | Annual | |
Counterparty credit risk (CCR) | CCR1 | Analysis of CCR by approach | Fixed | Semi-annual |
CCR2 | Credit valuation adjustment capital charge | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CCR3 | Standardised approach - CCR exposures by regulatory portfolio and risk weights | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
CCR5 | Composition of collateral for CCR exposure | Flexible | Semi-annual | |
CCR6 | Credit derivatives exposures | Flexible | Semi-annual | |
CCR8 | Exposures to central counterparties | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
SECA | Qualitative disclosures related to securitisation exposures | Flexible | Annual | |
Securitisation | SEC1 | Securitisation exposures in the banking book | Flexible | Semi-annual |
SEC2 | Securitisation exposures in the trading book | Flexible | Semi-annual | |
SEC3 | Securitisation exposures in the banking book and associated regulatory capital requirements - bank acting as originator or as sponsor | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
SEC4 | Securitisation exposures in the trading book and associated capital requirements - bank acting as investor | Fixed | Semi-annual | |
MRA | General qualitative disclosure requirements related to market risk | Flexible | Annual | |
Market risk | MR1 | Market risk under the standardised approach | Fixed | Semi-annual |
IRRBBA | IRRBB risk management objectives and policies | Flexible | Annual | |
Interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) | IRRBB1 | Quantitative information on IRRBB | Fixed | Annual |
OR1 | Qualitative disclosures on operational risk | Flexible | Annual | |
Operational risk | REMA | Remuneration policy | Flexible | Annual |
Remuneration Policy | REM1 | Remuneration awarded during the financial year | Flexible | Annual |
REM2 | Special payments | Flexible | Annual | |
REM3 | Deferred remuneration | Flexible | Annual | |
*See current Countercyclical Capital Buffer on Credit Exposures in the UAE.