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Article (102): Confidentiality of Data and Information


All data and information related to insurance business and transactions related thereto shall be of a confidential nature. Insurance Company’s employees and Insurance-Related Professionals and their employees are prohibited from giving and disclosing data and information of the Insured or Beneficiaries or enable others to access thereto in cases other than the ones authorized by law. Such prohibition shall survive the termination of the relationship between the Company and the Insured or Beneficiaries for any reason whatsoever.


The prohibition referred to in Clause (1) above shall apply to all entities, Persons and any Person who, due to their work, have access, directly or indirectly, to data and information.


The CBUAE, in its capacity as the competent regulatory authority in the State, shall set the rules and conditions regulating the exchange of data and information being the.


The provisions of Clauses (1) to (3) of this article shall not violate the following:



Competences legally conferred on security and judicial authorities and the CBUAE and its employees;



Duties entrusted to auditors of the relevant establishments;



The right of the entities mentioned in this Clause to disclose all or some data of transactions of their clients necessary under the legislation in force in the State to evidence their rights in a legal dispute that arose between them and their clients in this regard; and



The provisions set forth in the applicable laws and the ratified international conventions, in addition to the special provisions regulating money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism and illegal organizations.