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  • Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2019 Concerning the Administrative Fines Imposed by the Insurance Authority

    IA-BOD-RES 7/2019 Effective from 6/1/2019
    • Article (1) Definitions

      In the application of the provisions of this Resolution, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings ascribed thereto, unless the context indicates otherwise:

      State: United Arab Emirates.
      Authority/IA: The Insurance Authority established by virtue of the Law.

      Board: The Insurance Authority's Board of Directors.

      Director General: The Director General of the Insurance Authority.

      Company: The insurance company incorporated in the State and the foreign insurance company licensed to carry out insurance activities in the State either through a branch, or through an insurance agent, including Takaful insurance companies.

      Person: A natural or legal person.
      Insurance-Related Professions: Any person licensed by the Authority to practice any of the activities of insurance Agent, Actuary, Insurance Broker, Loss & Damage Adjuster, Insurance Consultant, Health Insurance TPA or any other insurance-related profession that the Board decides to regulate.

      Bylaws, Regulations, Instructions and Decisions: Any bylaws, regulations, instructions or decisions issued pursuant to the Law.

      Law: Federal Law No. (6) of 2007 concerning the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and Organization of its Operations and the amendments thereof.

    • Article (2) Scope of Applicability

      The provisions of this Resolution shall apply to any person, company or any insurance - related professions in case of committing any of the violations referred to in the annexed schedule.

    • Article (3) Violations and Penalties

      1. Without prejudice to any penalty or procedure prescribed by the Law and other relevant legislation, the Authority shall impose the Administrative Fines contained in the schedule annexed to this resolution on any person commits any of the violations contained therein.
      2. The amount of the Administrative Fines in the schedule referred to in Para (1) of this article shall be doubled if the violation is repeated within one year as from the date of the last violation with a maximum fine amount of (two) million dirhams.

    • Article (4) Grievance

      1. Any concerned person may appeal any decision issued pursuant to the provisions of the resolution herein before the Board within (15) days as from date of notification of such decision. The grievance shall be justified and all supporting documents shall be attached therewith in accordance with the procedures specified by the Board.
      2. The Board shall decide on the appeal in accordance with the procedures issued therefrom within a period not exceeding sixty (60) days as from the date of its submission.
    • Article (5) Collection of Administrative Fines

      The Authority shall collect the Administrative Fines imposed under the provisions of the resolution herein in accordance with the means deemed appropriate by the Ministry of Finance.

    • Article (6) Issuing Executive Decisions

      The Cabinet shall issue the necessary resolutions to implement the provisions of this Resolution.

    • Article (7) Amending Fines Schedule

      The schedule annexed to this decision shall be an integral part of it, and the Cabinet may make any amendment to the violations and Administrative Fines contained therein, whether by addition, deletion or alteration.

    • Article 8 Cancellations

      Any provision in conflict or contradicting the provisions of the resolution herein shall be annulled.

    • Article (9) Publication and Coming into Force

      This Resolution shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall come into force after three months as from date of publication.

    • The Annexed Schedule to the Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2019 Concerning the Administrative Fines Imposed by the Insurance Authority

      No.ViolationAdministrative Fine (AED)
      1Failure of the Company to pay the compensation stipulated in the insurance contract once the accident occurred or insured risk took place.50,000
      2Failure of the company to comply with the requirements of the basics of investment in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations.100,000
      3Failure of the company to comply all time with the Solvency Margin and the Minimum Guarantee Fund in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations.150,000
      4Failure of the company to comply with the basis of calculating the Technical Provisions in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations100,000
      5Failure of the company to comply with Determining the company's assets that meet the accrued insurance liabilities in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations.100,000
      6Failure of the Company to comply with the reinsurance criteria in accordance with the provisions of the relevant instructions.100,000
      7Failure of the Company to comply with the principals of the organizing accounting books and records and the data that should be inserted in these books and records, including records of Agents, Brokers and other records in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations.10,000
      8Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with the data in accordance with the Financial Regulations.10,000
      9Failure of the Company to comply with the requirements of accounting policies and forms required for the preparation of financial statements and reports in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations.50,000
      10Failure of the Takaful Insurance Company to comply with the rules of the WAKALA and MUDARABA fees in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations.100,000
      11Violation of Company of any of the provisions contained in the rules and code of professional conduct for insurance companies.50,000
      12Violation of the Company or any Insurance Related Profession of any provision of the instruction concerning Anti- money laundering and combating terrorism financing in insurance activities.50,000
      13Any person practices the operations of insurance or re-insurance inside the State without obtaining a license or registered by the Authority.250,000
      14Violation of the Company of the instructions issued concerning the pricing policy applied to the classes of property and liability insurance100,000
      15Any person established an insurance company, opened a branch of a foreign insurance company or carried out the activity of an insurance agent without obtaining the prior approval of the Board.250,000
      16The company combined between the insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations and the insurance of Property and Liability Operations in violation of the provisions of the issued Law, regulations or decisions.250,000
      17Any person intermediating for insurance of property or possessions inside the State or liabilities arising therefrom with an insurance company which is not registered by the Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Law.100,000
      18Failure of the company to issue the insurance policy concluded in the State in the Arabic language.50,000
      19Failure of the company to write the policy's articles exempting the company from the liability in bold letters, different colour and endorsed by the insured.50,000
      20The Company opened a branch without obtaining the approval of the Authority.100,000
      21The company appointed a Board Member, General Manager or an Authorized Manager for the company or allowed any of them to continue to occupy his post, despite being convicted for breach of honour, trust or public moral or declared bankrupt by the court and not yet rehabilitated.50,000
      22The company appointed a Board Member, General Manager or an Authorized Manager, despite being liable for significant violations of any of the provisions of the Law or of the Companies' Law, including the liability of causing compulsory liquidation of the company.100,000

      The Chairman, any of the Board Members, its General Manager, the Authorized Manager or whosoever acting on his behalf or any of the company's managers or a senior officer conducted any or all of the following:

      A. Participate in managing other competing insurance company or a similar company thereto,

      B. Compete the company's operations or do any actions or an activity that conflicts with the company's interest,

      C. Carry out the operations of an insurance Agent or a Broker,

      E. Receive a commission for any of the insurance operations.

      24Whosoever is in charge of the management of the company or any employee therewith has represented any of the shareholders of this company.25,000
      25Failure of the company to provide the Authority with detailed description implying the qualifications and experience of the General Manger, Authorized Manager, or senior officers as specified in the executive regulations of the Law or lack of the requirement of competency and experience in the insurance operations.50,000
      26Failure of the Company to inform the Authority of the names of the Board members, General Manager, Authorized Manager or any of the senior officers as specified in the executive regulations of the Law.10,000
      27Failure of the Company to notify the Authority of the names of Board Members, General Manger, Authorized Manager or any of the Senior Officers in case any of these positions is vacated within sixty days as from date of vacation.20,000
      28Failure of the Company's Board of Directors to provide the Authority with copies of the minutes of the Board's meetings and its resolutions related to the electing the company's chairman, his deputy, and the board's members authorized to sign on behalf of the company and their specimen signatures within seven days as from date of issuing these resolutions.20,000
      29Failure of the Company to appoint or approve a licensed Actuary within a month as from date of obtaining its license.100,000
      30The Company's failure to report the appointment or approval of the licensed Actuary to the Authority within a month as from the date of appointing the actuary10,000
      31Failure of the Company to provide any data or information requested by the Authority on the company or on any company possessively related or associated therewith during the period as determined by the Authority, in addition to any data or information submitted by the Company to any other supervisory body and any data or information received by the company from these bodies on time of occurrence.50,000
      32Failure of the Company to invite the Director General to attend the general assembly meetings before fifteen days at least as from date of its convention.50,000
      33Failure of the Company, insurance related professions or any of their manager or employees to allow the person who was appointed by the Director - General to carry out inspections or audits on the books, entries, data and collect information on transactions, documents and audit reports.100,000
      34Failure of the Company, insurance related professions to provide copies or photocopies of the books and data referred to in the previous Para to the person who was appointed by the Director - General to carry out inspections or audits50,000
      35The company or any insurance-related profession or any of their managers or employees prevented, intercepted or obstructed any person appointed by the Director General to carry out inspections or audits.100,000
      36Any person violated the rules governing ownership in insurance companies' capitals, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and decision issued pursuant thereto.100,000
      37Failure of any of insurance related profession to provide any data or information required by the Authority within the specified period.10,000
      38The Company's failure to pay the remunerations as determined by the Authority to experts, experts, consultants, auditors or actuaries appointed by the Authority.20,000
      39Disclosure of information by expert, consultant, actuary or auditor to any party whatsoever in violation to the Law.50,000
      40Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with a consolidated annual report on its operations, including all audited annual financial statements, reports and lists in accordance with the requirements of the Law and Financial Regulations.100,000
      41Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with the consolidated annual report signed by the chairman of its board of directors, the authorized manager or those authorized to sign on behalf of the company.50,000
      42Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with the consolidated annual report within a period not exceeding four months from the end of the fiscal year.50,000
      43Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with the consolidated annual report within at least thirty-days period prior to inviting the company's general assembly to convene.200,000
      44Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with quarterly financial statements and reports within the period specified period.100,000
      45Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with the requirements of the reports, certificates, endorsements and the annual and quarterly financial forms in accordance with the systems adopted by the Authority.100,000
      46The Company delay in paying the supervision and control fees within four months as from the end date of the fiscal year in accordance with the forms adopted by the Authority.0.5% of the total not settled due amount for each day of delay with a maximum limit of (AED 250,000)
      47Failure of the Company to pay the amount of qualification and training within four months as from the end date of the fiscal year.. 0.5% of the total not settled due amount for each day of delay with a maximum limit of (AED 100,000)
      48The Company's failure to correct and present the financial accounts and loss and profit accounts to the Authority for approval before submitting them to the general assembly, despite the objection of the Director General.100,000
      49Failure of the Company, that faces unfavourable financial or administrative situations or inflicted grief losses affecting the rights of the insured or the beneficiaries, represented by the Company's Chairman or its General Manager to forthwith inform the Director General of the Authority as so.100,000

      Failure of the Company to provide provide the Authority with any or all of the following

      a) The insurance policies' specimens and endorsements they have approved for its operations including the general and special terms and conditions and the technical basis of these policies and the premiums' ratios annexed thereto

      b) The schedules of the surrender values of the policies of the insurance of persons and funds accumulation operations and the premiums' ratios annexed thereto.

      51Failure of the Company to provide the insured and the beneficiaries with copies of the insurance policies and the related details.20,000
      52Failure of the Company to comply with the doctrine of disclosure and transparency in their dealing with their clients and in respect of all the documents, papers, bulletins, advertisements, propaganda and essays and scientific materials in accordance with the resolutions issued by the Board to ensure the implementation of this obligation.20,000

      Failure of the Auditor to forthwith file a report to the Authority with copy thereof to the company's chairman of the board of directors in any of the following cases:

      A. Should he become evident that the financial situation of the company does not enable it to fulfil its liabilities towards the insured or hinders its capacity to meet the financial requirements provided for in the law herein and the regulations, rules, directives and resolutions issued pursuant thereto relevant to the financial situation of the company.

      B. Should he become evident that there is grief imperfection in the company's performance of its financial procedures.

      C. Should he refuse or have reservations in respect of any certificate issued by the company related to its income or its financial statements.

      D. Should he decided to resign or refused to be reappointment with the company for unusual reasons.

      54Failure of the Company's auditor to provide the Authority directly within the specified period with the information needed to supervise the company's operations.50,000
      55Failure of the Company to comply with the provisions governing its own deposit, as defined by the Law.100,000
      56Failure of the Company that carry out any of Persons or Funds Accumulation Insurance Operations to maintain funds therewith in the State equivalent in their value to the total amount of the special mathematical reserve of the contracts concluded inside the State or of those that are implemented therein.100,000
      57The company's practice of insurance operations without being registered in the Register for the same class of insurance operations.150,000
      58The company made reinsurance with another company not licensed to practice the class of insurance entrusted therewith to reinsure.150,000
      59The insurance company concluded insurance contracts in classes of insurance for which there is a decision to cease operations or cancel the license of such insurance classes.250,000
      60Failure of the Company to fulfill its liabilities accrued from the contracts concluded prior to the cessation of the operations or the cancellation of the license.250,000
      61Failure of the insurance companies' branches to appoint an Authorized Manager for their branch to carry out the business on their behalf.100,000

      Failure of the foreign company, in the event of appointing an Authorized Manager for its branch to attach along with the appointment resolution an official document and an attested copy thereof in order to be deposited with the Authority authorizing him to exercise all necessary powers to manage the branch including the following:

      A. Issuing insurance policies and their annexes;

      B. paying the accrued indemnities.

      C. Representing the company before, the courts of jurisdictions, and all official and non-official bodies in connection with the branch's operations and management.

      D. Receipt of warnings and all notices and correspondences directed to the company.

      63Failure of the foreign insurance companies' branches to notify the Authority of the name of the Authorized Manager within a month as form date of his appointment or failure to appoint a replacement thereto within a month as from date of vacating his position.20,000
      64Failure of the foreign insurance companies' branches to publish the Company's consolidated final accounts in two widely circulated daily newspapers issued in Arabic and English.100,000
      65The Representative offices of the foreign insurance companies carried on their tasks in the State before obtaining a license from the Authority.250,000
      66The Company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations discriminated between a policy and another of the same type in respect of insurance premiums or profit amounts allotted to the policyholders or in any other conditions.10,000
      67The failure of the Company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations to examine its financial status.100,000
      68Failure of the Company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations to assess the outstanding liabilities related thereto at least once every three years by an actuary.100,000
      69Failure of the Company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations to examine its financial status in accordance with the assessment procedures referred to in the Law, when determining percentage of profits to be allotted to the shareholders or policyholders.10,000
      70Failure of the Company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations to examine its financial status in accordance with the assessment procedures referred to in the Law, whenever it publicizes its financial status10,000
      71The Company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations refused to examine its financial status in accordance with the assessment procedures referred to in the Law.10,000
      72Failure of the Company to provide the Authority with a copy of the expert's report on the findings of the examination and the assessment of the financial status referred to in the Law within six months as from the expiry of the period for which the examination was conducted.25,000
      73Failure of the Company to attach the documents referred to in Article (62) of the Law with the expert's report on the findings of the examination and the assessment of the financial status.10,000
      74The company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations deducted whether directly or indirectly any part of the funds intended to meet their liabilities accrued from the insurance policies in order to allocate as profits for the shareholders or the policyholders or to pay any amount other than their liabilities according to the insurance policies they have issued.100,000
      75The company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations issued saving bonds for a period exceeding thirty years25,000
      76The company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations issued saving bonds for a period of twenty-five years or more where the surrender value after the twenty fifth year is less than the full amount of the mathematical reserve.25,000
      77The company engaged in insurance of Persons and Funds Accumulation Operations obliged the bearers of the saving bonds to pay premiums not equal in amounts or receding.25,000
      78Failure of the Company to include invalidation clauses to be used by the company as an argument in face of the bearer for delaying payment of the premium.25,000
      79The Company invalidated the contract before lapse of three months as from the due date of the premium as from date of serving a notice on the bearer of the bond by a registered letter if the bond is nominal.25,000
      80Failure of the company to specify in the bonds that the right therein shall pass to the beneficiaries by reason of the death of the bearer of the bond without paying any additional amounts or imposing any further conditions.25,000
      81The company licensed to operate in the free zones performed its activity outside these zones inside the State without obtaining license from the Authority.250,000
      82The insurance agent carries out the operations of an insurance agent for more than one company.250,000
      83Any person carries out the operations of insurance-related professions without obtaining the license and registration from the Authority.250,000
      84Failure of the Company to comply with the rules of transfer of insurance policies & cessation of operations as specified in the Law.100,000
      85The company initiated or intended to initiate a merger before filing an application for merger to the Director General.200,000
      86Failure of the companies, which are parties of the merger to let the insured review the agreement that organizes the merger process or failure to display the merger agreement at the main office of each one of these companies for fifteen days as from date of publishing the resolution of merger in the Official Gazette.100,000
      87The liquidator violates his liabilities that are specified in the Law.50,000
      88The company reluctance or failure to provide clarifications on the complaints received by the Authority concerning the insurance operations carried out by the company inside the State.50,000
      89The Company delay in providing clarifications on the complaints received by the Authority concerning the insurance operations carried out by the company inside the State within the period specified by the Authority.25,000
      90Failure of the company to pay the expenses of publishing any of the decisions issued by the Authority in accordance with the relevant Law and regulations, including registration's suspension, cancellation, or re-registration or the decisions related to companies' merger, acquisition, liquidation, or termination.20,000
      91Any person refused to provide the Authority with documents, information and data that must be submitted in accordance with the Law and regulations issued thereunder.100,000
      92Obstruction of the Director General or his authorized representative in carrying out his duties or intervention to prevent them from obtaining information.50,000
      93Failure of the Company, Insurance Broker or insurance Agent to include the schedule of the policy and the insurance certificate in the insurance premium / subscription that is clearly collected from the client, including all allowances, expenses and commissions.50,000
      94The insurance Broker or insurance Agent charged any additional amounts or expenses to the net insurance premium specified by the insurance company.250,000
      95The insurance Broker combined between his position as an insurance Broker and the position of an insurance Agent, insurance Consultant, Loss & Damage adjustor or actuary.50,000
      96Failure of the insurance Broker to comply with the rules of professional practice as specified in the regulations.50,000
      97Violation of the insurance Broker of the conditions and procedures of licensing and registration specified in the regulations.50,000
      98Violation of the insurance Broker of the conditions of the technical and administrative staff in accordance with the regulation.10,000
      99Violation of the insurance Broker of the requirements and conditions of the Conditions for getting the Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy, specified in the regulations.10,000
      100Violation of the insurance Broker of the requirements and conditions of the Internal Bylaws , specified in the regulations.20,000
      101Violation of the insurance Broker of his obligations towards the Insurance Authority, the insurance company or the clients in accordance with the Insurance Brokerage Regulations.50,000
      102The insurance Broker's violation of the terms of opening branches of the insurance Brokers.50,000
      103The insurance Broker or insurance Agent carried out their business or marketed insurance services through persons, who are not licensed by the Insurance Authority or working therein.100,000
      104The company contracted with a person not registered in Authority's Register of Insurance Agents to authorize him to carry out the insurance agent operations.100,000
      105The insurance Agent practiced his business for a company not licensed or registered by the Authority.50,000
      106The insurance Agent carried out his business without concluding an agency contract with the Company.50,000
      107Failure of the insurance Agent to submit a copy of the agency contract with the Company to the Authority.10,000
      108The insurance Agent assigned the agency contract or authorized a third party to practice the insurance operations authorized to him.50,000
      109The insurance Agent practiced the profession of an insurance Broker.50,000
      110The insurance Agent combined between the types of insurance without complying with the terms and conditions specified in the Regulations.20,000
      111Violation of the insurance Agent of the requirements of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy specified in the regulations.10,000
      112The insurance Agent's violation of the terms and conditions for licensing, specified in the regulations5,000
      113Violation of the insurance Agent of the decision of suspending him from practicing the business.50,000
      114Violation of the insurance Agent of the conditions for opening a branch of the insurance Agency inside the State.50,000
      115Failure of the insurance Agent to comply with his duties specified in the regulations.20,000
      116Failure of the insurance Agent to deposit all insurance premiums or any amounts received in his capacity as an insurance Agent for the Company in a special account in a bank operating in the State, and dedicating this account to deposit these amounts and paying them as specified in the regulations.50,000
      117Failure of the insurance Agent to comply with the rules of professional practice as specified in the regulations.20,000
      118Violation of the insurance Agent of the provisions of the insurance agents' registration requirements.10,000
      119Failure of the health insurance TPA company to comply with the laws and instructions issued by the medical authorities of the Emirate in which it operates.20,000
      120Failure of the Health Insurance TPA company to comply with the permissible business limits to practice.50,000
      121Failure of the Health Insurance Health Insurance TPA company to comply with the licensing conditions.50,000
      122The Health Insurance TPA company sold or marketed health insurance policies.50,000
      123The Health Insurance TPA ownership or shares in the capital or management of any medical facility or health insurance company.50,000
      124Failure of the Health Insurance TPA to separate its accounts from the accounts of funds generated from its activities in the health insurance claims.50,000
      125The Health Insurance TPA entered into agreements to provide services inside the State with an insurance company not licensed to operate in the State.100,000
      126Failure of the Health Insurance TPA to comply with the conditions for the staff working therein.10,000
      127Violation of the Health Insurance TPA of the of the terms and conditions of the agreements concluded with the insurance company and medical service providers.50,000
      128Failure of the Health Insurance TPA to provide the Insurance Authority with the agreement concluded between it and the insurance company and providers of medical service providers within the specified period.10,000
      129Failure of the Health Insurance TPA to notify the Insurance Authority of any change to the data or information based on which the TPA was licensed immediately as such change occurs.10,000
      130The Health Insurance TPA made changes to the information based on which the TPA was licensed in violation of the provisions of the relevant instructions and decisions.10,000
      131Failure of the Health Insurance TPA to comply with its duties specified in the Instructions for Health Insurance Third Party Administrators.50,000
      132Faire of the Health Insurance TPA to comply with the rules of practicing the profession specified in the instructions.20,000
      133Failure of the Health Insurance TPA to maintain records and books containing all matters related to its business and not maintaining the agreements concluded with the Insurance Company and the Medical Service Providers.50,000
      134Failure of The Health Insurance TPA to provide the Insurance Company with all records and books, in case of terminating the agreement concluded with them.10,000
      135Violation of the Health Insurance TPA of the conditions of opening a branch inside or outside the State.50,000
      136Violation of the insurance Consultant of the conditions and procedures for licensing as specified in the regulations.20,000
      137Violation of the licensed and registered insurance Consultant of the general provisions specified in the regulations.20,000
      138Violation of the Insurance Consultant of his obligations or duties specified in the regulations.10,000
      139Failure of the insurance Consultant to comply with the rules of practicing the profession in accordance with the regulations.20,000
      140Failure of the insurance consultant to notify the Authority of any modification or change in the content of the documents and data based on which he was licensed within the specified period.5,000
      141Violation of the licensed and registered Actuary of the general provisions specified in the regulations.50,000
      142Violation of the Actuary of the conditions and procedures that should be met for licensing actuaries.50,000
      143Failure of the Actuary to notify the Authority of any change in the content of the documents and the data based on which he was licensed within a maximum period of (10) days.10,000
      144Failure of the Actuary to notify the Authority in case the manager in charge position therein is vacant.5,000
      145Failure of the Actuary to fill in the vacant position within a period of (three) months as from the date the position becomes vacant10,000
      146Violation of the Actuary of the requirements of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy as specified in the regulations.10,000
      147Failure of the Actuary to inform the Authority that he is providing services in his capacity as an employee or appointed actuary under a contract within seven days as from the date of commencement of his relationship with the Company.5,000
      148Violation of the corporate Actuary of the conditions of opening branches inside the State.50,000
      149Violation of the Actuary of his obligations, duties, basic functions or the specified additional duties in accordance with the regulations.50,000
      150Failure of the Actuary to comply with the rules of practicing the profession in accordance with the regulations.20,000
      151Violation of Damage and Loss Adjusters of the conditions and procedures that should be met for licensing and registration in accordance with the regulations.20,000
      152Violation of Damage and Loss Adjusters of the conditions for opening branches inside the State.10,000
      153Failure of the Damage and Loss Adjusters to carry out their duties20,000
      154Violation of the Damage and Loss Adjusters of the contents of the settlement report.20,000
      155Violation of the Damage and Loss Adjusters of the requirements of the Records of the Dadmager and Loss Adjuster.20,000
      156Failure of the Damage and Loss Adjusters to submit the data specified under the regulations.20,000
      157Failure of the Damage and Loss Adjusters to submit the data specified in the regulations approved by an auditor registered by the Authority.20,000
      158Failure of the Damage and Loss Adjusters to submit the data specified in the regulations within three months from the end of the financial year.10,000
      159Violation of the Damage and Loss Adjusters of the decision of his suspension from practicing the operations.20,000
      160The Company opened a point of sales for insurance products without being licensed and registered in the Insurance Authority Register.50,000 for each point of sales
      161The Company authorized a point of sales to pay compensations.10,000
      162Violation of the Company of the conditions of licensing points of sale affiliated thereto.50,000
      163Violation of the company of any of the duties and obligations of the point of sales towards customers.50,000
      164Failure of the Company to renew the registration of the Point of Sales10,000
      165The company registered its Point of Sale based on incorrect information or data.20,000
      166Failure of the company to submit all records, documents to the Authority to supervise the Point of Sales or any of its employees, companies, customers or beneficiaries.20,000
      167Failure of the Company's Point of Sales to place all records, documents and entries at the disposal of the Authority and its employees.50,000
      168Failure of the Company's Point of Sales to cooperate with the Authority and its employees in order to fully carry out their work.25,000
      169Failure of the Point of Sale to provide any data or information required by the Authority within the period specified by it.10,000
      170Violation of the Company of its obligations under the motor vehicle insurance policy.20,000
      171Failure of the Company to provide “substitute motor vehicle” or the allowance for renting an alternative motor vehicle.20,000
      172The Company collected a passenger premium for persons not employed by the Insured.5,000
      173Violation of the company of the tariff rate defined for motor vehicles insurance.50,000
      174Violation of the company of the defined percentages of recoverable premium in the motor vehicle insurance policy.10,000
      175Violation of the company of the general conditions in the motor vehicle insurance policy.20,000
      176The company developed additional conditions without highlighting these conditions by different color or font and without being endorsed by the insured.20,000
      177Failure of the Company to comply with the two forms annexed to the unified motor vehicle insurance policy, when issuing insurance policies against third party liability and against loss and damage.30,000
      178The Company non observance of the Arab Treaty related to the Orange Card, when issuing the insurance policy.10,000
      179The Company accepted the extension of the third party liability insurance policy to Arab countries under an insurance policy other than the Orange Card.25,000
      180The Company refused the application for insurance policy against third party liability or against loss or damage of a motor vehicle that meets the applicable conditions of the Traffic Law.25,000
      181The Company refused to renew the insurance policy of a motor vehicle that meets the applicable conditions of the Traffic Law.25,000
      182The company discriminated between the insured in relation to insurance rates , conditions and benefits of insurance coverage on the grounds of age, gender, residence place, or lapse of less than one year after being granted the driving license, unless it presented satisfactory technical or legal reasons.25,000
      183Failure of the company, in case of total loss to promptly pay the amount of compensation to the insured within the specified periods in accordance with the basis stipulated in the Unified Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies Regulations.50,000
      184Failure of the Company, in case the claim was rejected to inform the claimant of the reasons of the rejection in writing along with a copy of the documents supporting the company's decision.30,000
      185Failure of the Company to settle claims resulting from motor vehicle accidents within a period not exceeding fifteen days as from the date of receiving the complete documents of the claim.50,000
      186Violation of the Company of the general conditions in the Unified Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies Regulations for the class of insurance policy issued by it.30,000
      187Violation of the company of its liabilities under the Unified Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies Regulations for the class of insurance policy issued by it.50,000
      188Violation of the company of the provisions specified for the termination of the motor vehicle insurance policy.20,000
      189Violation of the company of the general provisions specified in the motor vehicle insurance policy.50,000
      190Violation of the Company of the depreciation percentages for parts of motor vehicles specified in the motor vehicle insurance policy for the class of insurance policy issued by it.20,000
      191Violation of the Company of the percentages of recoverable premium in case the motor vehicle policy was terminated.20,000
      192Violation of the company of the basics of claims settlement in accordance with the instructions.20,000
      193Violations of the Takaful insurance company of the terms and conditions of membership contribution document for Takaful insurance.30,000
      194Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the provisions of founding the Shari'a Supervisory Committee in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.30,000
      195Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the terms and conditions of membership in the Shari'a Supervisory Committee in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.20,000
      196Failure of the Takaful insurance company to develop an internal bylaws for the work of the Shari'a Supervisory Committee in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.10,000
      197Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the conditions for appointing the Shari'a Controller in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.10,000
      198Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the provisions of dividing the family Takaful insurance account in accordance with the legislation issued by the Authority.20,000
      199Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the provisions of the accounts related to the classes and types of Takaful insurance in accordance with the legislation issued by the Authority.20,000
      200Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the provisions of Rights of Participants and sharing the surplus in Participants' accounts in accordance with the legislation issued by the Authority.50,000
      201Failure of the Takaful insurance company to respond within (ten) working days to the request of the participant of Takaful Family Insurance Account by providing him with a copy of the Actuary's report concerning the audit of the account of this type of Takaful insurance.15,000
      202Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the terms and conditions of “Qard Hasan” specified in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.100,000
      203Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the terms and conditions of Re-Takaful specified in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.50,000
      204Violation of the Takaful insurance company of the terms and conditions of establishing a Zakat Fund for its own self, in accordance with the legislations issued by the Authority.50,000