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  • Temporarily and Permanent Cessation

    • Article (8)

      1. The Insurance Producer, wishing to temporarily cease practicing the activity or has a contingent reason temporarily preventing him from carrying out his activity, shall submit a request to the Authority to temporarily cease the activity, in accordance with the electronic systems or other means adopted by the Authority. The cessation period shall not exceed three months, extendable for another similar period.
      2. The Insurance Producer may not practice the activity during the cessation period. In all cases he shall have the right to submit an application to resume the performance of his activity before the end of the specified period, whether the cessation was voluntary or attributed to reasons that have ended.
      3. The Insurance Producer, wishing to permanently cease practicing the activity shall submit a request to the Authority to permanently cease the activity, in accordance with the electronic system prepared for this purpose or other means adopted by the Authority. The Authority shall issue its decision after taking the opinion of the company for which the Producer is working.