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  • Section 11 Record-keeping

    • Article (24)

      1. Financial Institutions and DNFBPs shall maintain all records, documents, data and statistics for all financial transactions and local or international commercial and cash transactions for a period of no less than five years from the date of completion of the transaction or termination of the business relationship with the Customer.
      2. Financial institutions and DNFBPs shall keep all records and documents obtained through CDD measures, ongoing monitoring, account files and business correspondence, and copies of personal identification documents, including STRs and results of any analysis performed , For a period of no less than five years from the date of termination of the business relationship or from the closing date of the account to Customers who maintain accounts with these institutions or after the completion of a casual transaction or from the date of completion of the inspection by the Supervisory authorities, or from the date of issuance of a final judgment of the competent judicial authorities, all depending on the circumstances.
      3. The records, documents and documents kept shall be organised so as to permit data analysis and tracking of financial transactions.
      4. Financial Institutions and DNFBPs shall make all Customer information regarding CDD towards Customers, ongoing monitoring and results of their analysis, records, files, documents, correspondence and forms available immediately to the competent authorities upon request.