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  • 4. Timing of Alert Reviews and STR or SAR Filings

    • 4.1. Alert Review, Case Investigation, and STR or SAR Decision Making

      An efficient alert management and dispositioning process is essential to safeguarding the financial integrity of LFIs, assisting law enforcement in the identification and investigation of criminal activity, and satisfying regulatory expectations concerning timely suspicious activity reporting. The alert management and dispositioning process should be adequately staffed and free of bottlenecks and should include a process for the expedited filing of urgent reports in appropriate cases. For purposes of this guidance, “alerts” shall be understood to include automated transaction monitoring alerts, employee referrals, and law enforcement requests. The LFI should apply a risk-based approach to the alert review process by prioritizing alerts based on their risk category. For instance, alerts generated on suspicious transactions of higher-risk customers should be risk-scored higher and prioritized for review.

      Alert Review: An LFI’s employees should review an alert and determine whether further investigation is warranted. The underlying basis for the determination should be documented in accordance with an LFI’s investigations procedures. An LFI may choose to have alert review decisions subject to Quality Control (“QC”) review, prior to final dispositioning.

      Where the facts available at the alert review stage are or may be sufficient to warrant an STR or SAR filing without further investigation, or where the transaction may otherwise require immediate attention (per criteria set forth below in 4.4 Activity Requiring Immediate Attention), employees should immediately escalate the alerted activity to the designated STR or SAR decision authority for expedited review.

      Case Investigation: For any alerted activity determined to require further investigation, employees should conduct and complete (at least preliminarily) an investigation of the alerted activity, document the results of any research or analysis performed, and make a recommendation as to whether an STR or SAR should be filed.

      Where a case investigator becomes aware of activity that requires immediate attention (per criteria set forth below in 4.4 Activity Requiring Immediate Attention), employees should immediately escalate the activity to the designated STR or SAR decision authority for expedited review.

      If, in the case investigator’s judgment, the facts available at the filing recommendation deadline meet one or more of the UAE regulatory definitions of suspicious activity, the case investigator should submit a recommendation to file an STR or SAR, even if certain aspects of the activity remain unexplained. Unanswered requests for information (RFIs) made in the course of a case investigation should not delay the timely submission of recommendations with respect to an STR or SAR filing. LFIs should define the reasonable RFI timeframe to allow the customer to respond to quires raised during a case investigation as part of the RFI process. 

      In the event of escalation for expedited review, the Compliance Officer or MLRO should review the activity and make a determination as to whether it is suspicious within 24 hours of the date of escalation. Where appropriate, the Compliance Officer or MLRO also should escalate the activity for potential exit and account closure.

    • 4.2. STR/SAR Decision Making and Filing

      In the absence of escalation for expedited review, LFIs are expected to file an STR/SAR within a maximum of 35 business days from the date of automated alert generation. The establishment of adequate grounds of suspicion may involve the investigation procedures as per the LFIs' AML and/or Financial Crime Compliance policies and procedures. LFIs are expected to complete the required investigative procedures as expeditiously as possible. LFIs must maintain adequately detailed records of investigative procedures performed against alerts and when filing an STR/SAR, must include a summary justifying the time taken to establish grounds of suspicion.

      In the event of escalation for expedited review, the Compliance Officer or MLRO should file an STR or SAR to the FIU within 24 hours of the determination. All prospective STRs or SARs should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness prior to filing, in accordance with applicable procedures.

      LFIs are ultimately responsible under UAE’s AML-CFT Law to report suspicious activity without delay and should seek to file STRs and SARs ahead of the prescribed timeline.

    • 4.3. Monitoring and Reporting of Continuing Suspicious Activity

      Upon filing an STR/SAR pertaining to an account holder, LFIs are expected to implement enhanced monitoring on such account holders. In the case of continued suspicious activity detected against said account holder, LFIs are expected to expeditiously file an STR/SAR with the FIU.

    • 4.4. Activity Requiring Immediate Attention

      Situations requiring immediate attention include reportable violations that are ongoing (e.g., part of an ongoing money laundering scheme as indicated by an appropriate law enforcement authority) and transactions that the LFI suspects are related to the financing of terrorism and illegal organisations.

    • 4.5. Exceptions for Complex Investigations

      There may be instances when the LFI encounters potentially unusual or suspicious activity that is of a “complex” nature. The following is a non-exhaustive list of factors that should be considered to determine whether investigated activity qualifies as a complex investigation: employee-related investigations; significant investigations involving multiple customers, multiple jurisdictions, multiple accounts, multiple transactions, and/or multiple subpoena requests; and legal referred investigations.

      If the LFI designates an investigation as “complex”, the LFI should submit an initial STR or SAR to the FIU within 15 business days of the alert generation. The initial STR/SAR should be labelled as a “Complex investigation” to the FIU. Following the initial STR or SAR filing, the LFI has an additional 30 business days to obtain all necessary information related to the complex investigation and submit a follow-up STR or SAR to the FIU.

    • 4.6. Summary of Review, Investigation, and Reporting Timelines

      The following table summarizes the recommended suspicious activity review, investigation, and reporting timelines in the absence of escalation for expedited review. Please note – the following table captures the maximum timeline by which LFIs should identify and report suspicious activity and transactions. LFIs are ultimately responsible under UAE’s AML-CFT Law to report suspicious activity without delay and should seek to file STRs and SARs ahead of the below timelines.

      ActionMaximum Timeline in Calendar Days
      Dispositioning of alert; recommendation on whether to file an STR or SAR; and decision on whether to file an STR or SARLFIs are expected to file an STR/SAR within a maximum of 35 business days from the date of automated alert generation.
      Filing of a follow-up STR or SAR for a “complex investigation”If an LFI designates an investigation as “complex”, the LFI should submit an initial STR within 15 business days of alert generation – SAR/STR to be labelled “Complex investigation”. Followup SAR/STR to be submitted within 30 business days of filing the initial STR.
      Filing of STR or SAR on continuing activityUpon filing an STR/SAR pertaining to an account holder, LFIs are expected to implement enhanced monitoring on such account holders. In the case of continued suspicious activity detected against said account holder, LFIs are expected to expeditiously file an STR/SAR continuing activity with the FIU.


    • 4.7. Escalation for Expedited Review

      In certain cases, an alert or case may need to be dispositioned and an STR or SAR filed more rapidly than usual processes allow. In such cases, the alert will be dispositioned and the STR or SAR filed according to the expedited review timeline as laid out below.

      Circumstances where expedited review is expected include:

       The activity requires immediate attention (as defined above); and
       The facts available at the alert review stage are or may be sufficient to warrant an STR or SAR filing without further investigation.

      The following table summarizes the recommended suspicious activity review, investigation, and reporting timelines in the event of escalation for expedited review.

      ActionMaximum Timeline in Calendar Days
      Decision on whether to file an STR or SAR and filing of first STR or SAR24 hours from decision to file
      Filing of STR or SAR on continuing activityUpon filing an STR/SAR pertaining to an account holder, LFIs are expected to implement enhanced monitoring on such account holders. In the case of continued suspicious activity detected against said account holder, LFIs are expected to expeditiously file an STR/SAR with the FIU.