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  • Chapter Two: Licensing

    • Section One: Licensed Financial Activities

      • Article (65): Financial Activities

        1) The following activities shall be considered financial activities subject to Central Bank licensing and supervision in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law:

        1. a. Taking deposits of all types, including Shari’ah-compliant deposits.
        2. b. Providing credit facilities of all types.
        3. c. Providing funding facilities of all types, including Shari’ah-compliant funding facilities.
        4. d. Providing currency exchange and money transfer services.
        5. e. Providing monetary intermediating services.
        6. f. Providing stored values services, electronic retail payments and digital money services.
        7. g. Providing virtual banking services.
        8. h. Arranging and/or marketing for Licensed Financial Activities.
        9. i. Acting as a principal in financial products that affect the financial position of the Licensed Financial Institution, including but not limited to foreign exchange, financial derivatives, bonds and sukuk, equities, commodities, and any other financial products approved by the Central Bank.

        2) The Board of Directors shall:

        1. a. Classify and define Licensed Financial Activities and the practices relating thereto.
        2. b. Add activities or practices to the list of Licensed Financial Activities mentioned in item (1) of this article, or delete activities or practices from the list, or amend them, following coordination and agreement with the Regulatory Authorities in the State, through the Financial Activities Committee referred to in Article (66) of this Decretal Law.

        3) In case a Licensed Financial Institution wishes to carry on activities licensed by Regulatory Authorities in the State or the regulatory authorities in other jurisdictions, other than the activities referred to in item (1) of this article, such institution must obtain approval of the Central Bank, prior to obtaining licensing from the concerned regulatory authority.

      • Article (66): Financial Activities Committee

        1) A technical committee named the ‘Financial Activities Committee’ shall be established in the Ministry by a Cabinet resolution, chaired by the Ministry and include in its membership a representative of each of the Regulatory Authority in the State. The mentioned committee shall look into and provide opinion on any proposal to regulate a financial activity other than those mentioned in the laws of regulatory authorities. The resolution shall specify the committee’s terms of reference and the mechanism for discharge of its functions.

        2) The approval of the concerned Regulatory Authority shall be obtained in case the financial activities committee suggest adding a specific financial activity not mentioned in its law to the list of activities under its licensing and regulation.

    • Section Two: Licensing of Financial Institutions

      • Article (67): Application for Licensing

        1) Any Person may, in accordance with the regulations issued by the Board of Directors, submit to the Central Bank an application for a license to carry on one or more Licensed Financial Activities or the addition of one or more Licensed Financial Activities to an already issued license.

        2) The Board of Directors shall issue rules, regulations and standards, and determine conditions for granting license to carry on Licensed Financial Activities, including the following:

        1. a. Fit and proper criteria.
        2. b. Resources required for carrying on the activity.
        3. c. Control and monitoring systems.

        3) The Board of Directors may add any requirements or conditions to be fulfilled by the applicant for license, at its own discretion and as it deems appropriate for safeguarding public interest.

      • Article (68): Compliance with Scope of the License

        1) A licensed financial institution must carry on its business within the scope of the license granted to it.

        2) No Person may represent that it is a Licensed Financial Institution, if such is not the case.

      • Article (69): Deciding on Licensing Application or Extension of License Scope

        1) Deciding on licensing application or extension thereof shall be within a period not exceeding sixty (60) working days from date of meeting all conditions and requirements for licensing. The lapse of this period without decision on the application shall be considered a rejection thereof.

        2) The Central Bank may require the applicant to fulfill licensing requirements and conditions within such period as specified by the Central Bank.

        3) The Central bank may reject an application for a license, or an application to add any financial activity based on the capacity of the financial sector in the State and the needs of the local market. Such decision issued in this regard shall be final and not subject to appeal before the Grievances and Appeals Committee.

        4) The applicant shall be notified, officially, of the reasoned rejection decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue.


        This article has been amended by Decretal Federal Law No. (23) of 2022. You are viewing the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
        Version 1(effective from 31/10/2018 to 02/01/2023)


        1) Deciding on licensing application or extension thereof shall be within a period not exceeding sixty (60) working days from date of meeting all conditions and requirements for licensing. The lapse of this period without decision on the application shall be considered an implicit rejection thereof.

        2) The Board of Directors may reject an application for a license, or an application to add any financial activity based on the capacity of the financial sector in the State and the needs of the local market.

        3) The Board of Directors may, before issuing the rejection decision, request the applicant to fulfill licensing requirements and conditions within such period as specified by the Board of Directors.

        4) The applicant shall be notified, officially, of the reasoned rejection decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

        • a. Content of the rejection decision.
        • b. Reasons for rejection.
        • c. A statement advising the applicant of his right to submit a grievance against the rejection decision, by applying to the Grievances & Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law.


      • Article (70): Imposing Conditions and Restrictions on a License

        1) The Board of Directors may impose conditions or restrictions, or otherwise change or cancel conditions or restrictions imposed on a license for carrying on Licensed Financial Activities.

        2) The Board of Directors may, before issuing the decision mentioned in item (1) of this article, request the concerned financial institution to provide its opinion on the reasons for the decision, within such period as specified.

        3) The licensed financial institution shall be notified, officially, of the reasoned decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. The notice shall include the following:

        1. a. Content of the decision.
        2. b. Reasons for the decision.
        3. c. Effective date of the decision.
        4. d. A statement advising the licensed financial institution of its right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law.
      • Article (71): Suspension, Withdrawal, or Revocation of License

        1) The Board of Directors may suspend, withdraw, or revoke a license issued to a Licensed Financial Institution, in the following cases:

        1. a. If the Licensed Financial Institution ceased to meet, or breached one or more of the conditions or restrictions imposed on the license.
        2. b. If the Licensed Financial Institution breached any of the State’s established laws and regulations, or the regulations, rules, standards, instructions, and guidelines issued by the Central Bank.
        3. c. If the Licensed Financial Institution failed to take any measures or actions determined or prescribed by the Central Bank.
        4. d. If the Licensed Financial Institution ceased to carry on one or more of the Licensed Financial Activities, for a period exceeding one year.
        5. e. If the business or operations were ceased for a period exceeding one year.
        6. f. If the Central Bank considered, at its own discretion, that the full or partial withdrawal, revocation, or suspension of the license, was necessary for achieving its objectives and discharging its functions.
        7. g. If the concerned Licensed Financial Institution submitted an application for full or partial suspension or revocation of the license.
        8. h. If the Licensed Financial Institution’s liquidity or solvency was at risk.
        9. i. If the capital of the Licensed Financial Institution fell below the minimum required in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law, or the regulations, rules, or standards issued by the Central Bank.
        10. j. If the Licensed Financial Institution merged with another financial institution.
        11. k. If the Licensed Financial Institution was declared bankrupt.
        12. l. If the Licensed Financial Institution’s officers, employees, or representatives refused to cooperate with Central Bank officers, representatives, or examiners or abstained from providing required information, statements, documents, or records.
        13. m. If the license of a foreign Licensed Financial Institution was revoked, or if it was put under liquidation at its domicile, or if the businesses of its branch, companies or Representative Offices in the State were wound down.

        2) The Licensed Financial Institution shall be notified, officially, of the reasoned withdrawal, cancellation or suspension decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. The notice shall include the following:

        1. a. Content of the decision.
        2. b. Reasons for the decision.
        3. c. Effective date of the decision.
        4. d. A statement advising the Licensed Financial Institution of its right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law.

        3) The decision issued by the Central Bank shall, following decision on the grievance or appeal, if presented to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, or expiry of the period specified in item (2) of this article, be published in two local newspapers, one in Arabic and another in English, and on the Central Bank’s official website. Such decision may also be announced by any other means if necessary.

      • Article (72): Use of Term “Bank” or “Masraf”

        1) Entities other than Banks licensed in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law may not use, in their business addresses or advertisements, the expressions “Bank”, “Masraf” or any other expression derived therefrom or similar thereto, in any language, and in any way which may mislead the public as to the nature of their business.

        2) The following entities shall be not be subject to the provisions of item (1) of this article:

        1. a. Monetary authorities and Central Banks.
        2. b. Any federation or association established for protection of Banks’ interests.
        3. c. Any other institution exempted by the Board of Director.
      • Article (73): Entry to the Register

        1) An electronic register named “Register of Licensed Financial Institutions” shall be created in the Central Bank, to which names of Licensed Financial Institutions and all their data and any amendments thereto, shall be entered. A decision setting the rules and conditions for entry to such register shall be issued by the Board of Directors. Decision to license such institutions and any amendments thereto, shall be published in the Official Gazette. This register shall be published on the Central Bank’s official website.

        2) A Licensed Financial Institution may not commence any Licensed Financial Activity except after its name was entered to the register.

        3) Proceeds of licensing and entry to the register fees shall be deposited in a special account with the Central Bank. A decision shall be issued by the Board of Directors organizing operation of the account, and setting rules for withdrawing funds from it.

      • Article (74): Legal Form

        1) Banks shall take the form of public joint- stock companies, with incorporating law or decree so permits. Branches of foreign banks operating in the State, and specialized banks with low risks that are determined according to the conditions and rules set by the Board of Directors shall be exempt from this requirement.

        2) Other Financial Institutions may take the form of joint- stock companies or limited liability companies, in accordance with the rules and conditions issued by the Board of Directors.

        3) Exchange Houses and monetary intermediaries may be a sole proprietorship, or take any other legal form in accordance with the rules and conditions issued by the Board of Directors.


        This article has been amended by Decretal Federal Law No. (25) of 2020. You are viewing the latest version. To view the previous version, click the version box below.
        Version 1(effective from 31/10/2018 to 02/01/2021)


        1) Banks shall take the form of public joint- stock companies, with incorporating law or decree so permits. Branches of foreign banks operating in the State shall be exempt from this requirement.

        2) Other Financial Institutions may take the form of joint- stock companies or limited liability companies, in accordance with the rules and conditions issued by the Board of Directors.

        3) Exchange Houses and monetary intermediaries may be a sole proprietorship, or take any other legal form in accordance with the rules and conditions issued by the Board of Directors


      • Article (75): Minimum Capital Requirements

        The Board of Directors shall establish regulations on the minimum capital requirement for Licensed Financial Institutions, and conditions and instances of increase or decrease of capital, and shall determine its risk-based requirements, and the necessary actions to be taken in case of capital shortfall, in addition to the measures taken by the Central Bank in this regard.

      • Article (76): Shareholding and Ownership in Licensed Financial Institutions

        1) Without prejudice to the financial and commercial activities restricted to UAE nationals prescribed in any other law, the Board of Directors shall determine the conditions and controls for ownership of shares of Banks incorporated in the State and shareholdings contribution in their capital, and in all cases the national shareholding must not be less than sixty percent (60%).

        2) The Board of Directors may determine the conditions, controls for percentage of ownership of shares and shareholdings contribution in the capital of Other Financial Institutions incorporated in the State by nationals and foreigners.

      • Article (77): Amendment of the Memorandum and Articles of Association

        1) Licensed Financial Institutions shall request the Central Bank’s approval for amendments they wish to introduce to their memorandum or articles of association. Such amendments shall only take effect after they were entered into the register.

        2) The Central Bank shall decide on the application. Should the Central Bank decided to reject the application to enter the amendment, the matter shall be submitted to the Board of Directors whose decision in that respect shall be final.

    • Section Three: Provisions for Islamic Licensed Financial Institutions

      • Article (78): Scope of Activity

        1) Licensed Financial Institutions that carry on all or part of their activities and business in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah may carry on the Licensed Financial Activities mentioned in Article (65) of this decretal law, whether for themselves or on behalf of others or in partnership with third parties, provided such business and activities are in compliance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah. The Board of Directors shall issue regulations specifying the activities, conditions, rules, and operating standards for these institutions, in a manner commensurate with the nature of the license granted to them.

        2) Licensed Financial Institutions mentioned in item (1) of this article shall, in respect of their Shari’ah-compliant business and activities initiated on behalf of their customers and not for themselves, be exempted from:

        1. a. Provisions of item (1) of Article (93) of this decretal law.
        2. b. Provisions of item (2) of Article (93) of this decretal law, insofar as such exemption does not contradict the provisions of local legislations applicable in the relevant member Emirate of the Union.
      • Article (79): Internal Shari’ah Supervision

        1) An independent committee referred to as “Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee” shall be established within each Licensed Financial Institution that conducts all or part of its activities and business in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah. Membership of this committee shall consist of experienced specialists in jurisprudence of Islamic financial and banking transactions. The said committee shall undertake Shari’ah supervision of all business, activities, products, services, contracts, documents, and business conduct charters of the concerned institution and shall approve them and establish the necessary Shari’ah requirements applicable to them, within the framework of the rules, principles and standards set by the Higher Shari’ah Authority, in order to ensure compliance with the provisions Islamic Shari’ah. Fatawa or opinions issued by the Committee shall be binding.

        2) The Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee shall be appointed by the general assembly of the concerned Licensed Financial Institution, in accordance with the provisions of the referenced Commercial Companies law. Names of members of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee shall be presented to the Higher Shari’ah Authority for approval, prior to presentation to the general assembly and issuance of decision approving their appointment.

        3) Members of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee are prohibited from holding any executive position in the institution referred to in item (1) of this article, or provide services to it outside of the scope of the committee’s assigned scope of work, nor hold shares or have for themselves or for any of their relatives up to the second degree, any interests associated with it.

        4) In cases where disagreement arises, over a Shari’ah opinion, between members of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee, or disagreement between the Internal Shari’ah Committee and the Board of Directors of the concerned financial institution, over the compliance or non-compliance of a particular matter with the provisions of Shari’ah, the disagreement shall be referred to the Higher Shari’ah Authority, whose opinion on the matter shall be final.

        5) There shall be established, in each institution referred to in item (1) of this article, a division or internal section, of a size commensurate with the business and activities of the concerned institution, to undertake internal Shari’ah audit and monitor compliance of the concerned institution with the fatawa and opinions of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee. Such division or section shall report to the Board of Directors of the concerned institution, and its employees shall not have any executive powers or any responsibilities towards the business, activities and contracts which they review or audit from a Shari’ah perspective. The said division or section shall be headed by a Shari’ah controller appointed by the Board of Directors of the concerned institution.

      • Article (80): Report of the Internal Shari’ah Supervision Committee

        1) The Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee shall prepare an annual report to be presented to the general assembly of the Licensed Financial Institution, which conducts on all or part of its activities and businesses in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah. The report shall take the form specified by the Higher Shari’ah Authority, and shall indicate the extent the management of the concerned institution is compliant with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah, in all activities, business it conducts, the products it offers, contracts it enters into, and the documentation it uses. The said report shall include the following:

        1. a. A statement on the extent of independence of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee when discharging its mandates.
        2. b. A statement on compliance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah during the financial year ending in regards to policies, accounting standards, financial products and services, operations and activities in general, together with the memorandum, articles of association, and financial statements of the relevant institution.
        3. c. A statement on the compliance of distribution of profits, bearing of losses, costs, and expenses among the shareholders and investment account holders, with the fatawa and opinions of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee.
        4. d. A statement on any other breaches of Shari’ah provisions and the controls established by the Higher Shari’ah Authority.

        2) The Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee shall provide the Higher Shari’ah Authority with copy of its report, no later than two (2) months from end of the financial year, in order for the Authority to express its remarks prior to the meeting of the general assembly of the concerned institution.

      • Article (81): State Audit Supervision

        Where a Licensed Financial Institution, which conducts all or part of its business and activities in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah, is subject to the supervision of the State Audit Institution, pursuant to the referenced Re-organization of the State Audit Institution law, the function of the audit institution shall be restricted to post- audit, and shall not interfere in the conduct of business or policies of these institutions.

      • Article (82): Non-Compliance with the Provisions of Islamic Shari’ah

        Where it is established that a financial institution, which conducts on all or part of its business and activities in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Shari’ah, has conducted business that is not compliant with such provisions, as per fatawa and opinions of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee, and the fatawa and opinions of the Higher Shari’ah Authority, the Central Bank shall inform the concerned institution accordingly, after consulting with the Higher Shari’ah Authority, and shall ask the institution to reconcile its position, under the supervision of the Internal Shari’ah Supervisory Committee, within thirty (30) working days from date of notification. The Central Bank shall take the appropriate corrective measures and corrective actions in case the concerned institution’s inability to reconcile its position.

    • Section Four: Provisions Relating to Undertaking Designated Functions Subject to Central Bank Authorization

      • Article (83): Designated Functions

        1) The Board of Directors may issue regulations, rules, standards, conditions, and instructions, specifying Designated Functions subject to Central Bank authorization and the individuals who shall be required to obtain Central Bank authorization to undertake them, including fit and proper conditions, and cases of exemption of such conditions and standards.

        2) Without prejudice to the provisions of item (1) of this article, Designated Functions subject to Central Bank authorization include those carried out by members of the boards of directors of Licensed Financial Institutions, and their chief executive officers, senior managers, executives, and Authorized Individuals.

        3) No individual may undertake any Designated Functions at a Licensed Financial Institution, without obtaining Central Bank’s prior authorization.

        4) Licensed Financial Institutions shall take all measures and actions, which ensure that no officer, employee, or any other individual representing them, shall exercise any of the Designated Functions without obtaining prior authorization from the Central Bank.

        5) Any Authorized Individual in accordance with the provisions of this article shall abide with limits of powers stated in the authorization.

        6) No individual shall introduce himself as an Authorized Individual unless he is authorized by the Central Bank.

      • Article (84): Application for Authorization to Undertake Designated Functions

        1) A Licensed Financial Institution may submit an application to the Central Bank for authorization of any individual to undertake any of the Designated Functions or to undertake additional Designated Functions.

        2) The Central Bank may require the applicant to provide all information necessary for enabling it to decide on the application.

        3) A Licensed Financial Institution shall notify the Central Bank of any material changes relating to the conditions for granting authorization to undertake the Designated Functions.

      • Article (85): Deciding on Application for Authorization to Undertake

        1) Deciding on application for authorization or extension thereof shall be within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of meeting all conditions and requirements for authorization. The lapse of this period without decision on the application shall be considered an implicit rejection thereof.

        2) The Board of Directors may reject an application for authorization or addition of other Designated Functions to an Authorized Individual if it considered that such rejection would serve public interest or that conditions and requirements for authorization were not fulfilled.

        3) The applicant shall be notified, officially, of the rejection decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. The notice shall include the following:

        1. a. Content of the decision.
        2. b. Reasons for the decision.
        3. c. A statement advising the applicant of his right to submit a grievance against the rejection decision, by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law.
      • Article (86): Imposing Conditions and Restrictions to an Authorization to Undertake Designated Functions

        1) The Central Bank may decide to add conditions or restrictions to an authorization to undertake Designated Functions.

        2) Before issuing the decision referred to in item (1) of this article, the Central Bank may request the concerned Licensed Financial Institution to provide its comments on the reasons for the decision, within such period as it specifies.

        3) The Licensed Financial Institution shall be notified, officially, of the decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

        1. a. Content of the decision.
        2. b. Reasons for the decision.
        3. c. Effective date of the decision.
        4. d. A statement advising the Licensed Financial Institution of its right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law.
      • Article (87): Suspension, Withdrawal, or Revocation of Authorization to Undertake Designated Functions

        1) The Central Bank may suspend, withdraw, or revoke the authorization issued to an individual undertaking Designated Functions, by an official notice, in the following cases:

        1. a. If the Authorized Individual ceased to meet, or breached one or more of the fit and proper criteria and other conditions or restrictions imposed on the authorization to undertake Designated Functions.
        2. b. If the Authorized Individual violated any of the State’s established laws and regulations or the regulations, rules, standards, or guidelines issued by the Central Bank.
        3. c. If the Authorized Individual failed to take any measures or actions prescribed by the Central Bank.
        4. d. If the Central Bank considered, that full or partial withdrawal, revocation, or suspension of the authorization, was necessary for achieving its objectives and discharging its functions.
        5. e. If the Authorized Individual was declared bankrupt.
        6. f. If the Authorized Individual refused to cooperate with the officials, representatives, or examiners of the Central Bank, or failed to submit required information or records.

        2) In all cases, the authorization shall be revoked in case a cancellation application was submitted by the Licensed Financial Institution where the Authorized Individual works or in case of termination of his relationship with such institution.

        3) The Licensed Financial Institution, where the Authorized Individual works shall be notified, in writing, of the decision to withdraw, revoke, or suspend the authorization, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

        1. a. Content of the decision.
        2. b. Reasons for the decision.
        3. c. Effective date of the decision.
        4. d. A statement advising the concerned Licensed Financial Institution and the Authorized Individual of their right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law.
      • Article (88): Prohibition of Undertaking Designated Functions at Licensed Financial Institutions

        1) The Central Bank may prohibit any individual from working, or undertaking Designated Functions related to Licensed Financial Activities if it considered that the concerned individual was not fit and proper to work or undertake such Designated Functions.

        2) The concerned Licensed Financial Institution shall be notified, officially, of the decision to prohibit the concerned individual from working or undertaking Designated Functions at it, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

        1. a. Content of the decision.
        2. b. Reasons for the decision.
        3. c. Effective date of the decision.
        4. d. A statement advising the Licensed Financial Institution and the concerned individual of their right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances and Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this Decretal Law.