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  • Section Four: Provisions Relating to Undertaking Designated Functions Subject to Central Bank Authorization

    • Article (83) Designated Functions

      1) The Board of Directors may issue regulations, rules, standards, conditions, and instructions, specifying Designated Functions subject to Central Bank authorization and the individuals who shall be required to obtain Central Bank authorization to undertake them, including fit and proper conditions, and cases of exemption of such conditions and standards.

      2) Without prejudice to the provisions of item (1) of this article, Designated Functions subject to Central Bank authorization include those carried out by members of the boards of directors of Licensed Financial Institutions, and their chief executive officers, senior managers, executives, and Authorized Individuals.

      3) No individual may undertake any Designated Functions at a Licensed Financial Institution, without obtaining Central Bank’s prior authorization.

      4) Licensed Financial Institutions shall take all measures and actions, which ensure that no officer, employee, or any other individual representing them, shall exercise any of the Designated Functions without obtaining prior authorization from the Central Bank.

      5) Any Authorized Individual in accordance with the provisions of this article shall abide with limits of powers stated in the authorization.

      6) No individual shall introduce himself as an Authorized Individual unless he is authorized by the Central Bank

    • Article (84) Application for Authorization to Undertake Designated Functions

      1) A Licensed Financial Institution may submit an application to the Central Bank for authorization of any individual to undertake any of the Designated Functions or to undertake additional Designated Functions.

      2) The Central Bank may require the applicant to provide all information necessary for enabling it to decide on the application.

      3) A Licensed Financial Institution shall notify the Central Bank of any material changes relating to the conditions for granting authorization to undertake the Designated Functions.

    • Article (85) Deciding on of Application for Authorization to Undertake or Add other Designated Functions

      1) Deciding on application for authorization or extension thereof shall be within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of meeting all conditions and requirements for authorization. The lapse of this period without decision on the application shall be considered an implicit rejection thereof.

      2) The Board of Directors may reject an application for authorization or addition of other Designated Functions to an Authorized Individual if it considered that such rejection would serve public interest or that conditions and requirements for authorization were not fulfilled.

      3) The applicant shall be notified, officially, of the rejection decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. The notice shall include the following:

      • a. Content of the decision.
      • b. Reasons for the decision.
      • c. A statement advising the applicant of his right to submit a grievance against the rejection decision, by applying to the Grievances & Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law
    • Article (86) Imposing Conditions and Restrictions to an Authorization to Undertake Designated Functions

      1) The Central Bank may decide to add conditions or restrictions to an authorization to undertake Designated Functions.

      2) Before issuing the decision referred to in item (1) of this article, the Central Bank may request the concerned Licensed Financial Institution to provide its remarks on the reasons for the decision, within such period as it specifies.

      3) The Licensed Financial Institution shall be notified, officially, of the decision within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

      • a. Content of the decision.
      • b. Reasons for the decision.
      • c. Effective date of the decision.
      • d. A statement advising the Licensed Financial Institution of its right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances & Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law.
    • Article (87) Suspension, Withdrawal, or Revocation of Authorization to Undertake Designated Functions

      1) The Central Bank may suspend, withdraw, or revoke the authorization issued to an individual undertaking Designated Functions, by an official notice, in the following cases:

      • a. If the Authorized Individual ceased to meet, or breached one or more of the fit and proper criteria and other conditions or restrictions imposed on the authorization to undertake Designated Functions.
      • b. If the Authorized Individual violated any of the State’s established laws and regulations or the regulations, rules, standards, or guidelines issued by the Central Bank.
      • c. If the Authorized Individual failed to take any measures or actions prescribed by the Central Bank.
      • d. If the Central Bank considered, that full or partial withdrawal, revocation, or suspension of the authorization, was necessary for achieving its objectives and discharging its functions.
      • e. If the Authorized Individual was declared bankrupt.
      • f. If the Authorized Individual refused to cooperate with the officials, representatives, or examiners of the Central Bank, or failed to submit required information or records.

      2) In all cases, the authorization shall be revoked in case a cancellation application was submitted by the Licensed Financial Institution where the Authorized Individual works or in case of termination of his relationship with such institution.

      3) The Licensed Financial Institution, where the Authorized Individual works shall be notified, in writing, of the decision to withdraw, revoke, or suspend the authorization, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

      • a. Content of the decision.
      • b. Reasons for the decision.
      • c. Effective date of the decision.
      • d. A statement advising the concerned Licensed Financial Institution and the Authorized Individual of their right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances & Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law.
    • Article (88) Prohibition of Undertaking Designated Functions at Licensed Financial Institutions

      1) The Central Bank may prohibit any individual from working, or undertaking Designated Functions related to Licensed Financial Activities if it considered that the concerned individual was not fit and proper to work or undertake such Designated Functions.

      2) The concerned Licensed Financial Institution shall be notified, officially, of the decision to prohibit the concerned individual from working or undertaking Designated Functions at it, within a period not exceeding twenty (20) working days from date of its issue. Such notice shall include the following:

      • a. Content of the decision.
      • b. Reasons for the decision.
      • c. Effective date of the decision.
      • d. A statement advising the Licensed Financial Institution and the concerned individual of their right to submit a grievance against the decision, by applying to the Grievances & Appeals Committee, in accordance with the provisions of this decretal law.