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Addendum (1)

IA-BOD-RES 25/2014 Effective from 28/12/2014

Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Solvency in Main Areas of Risk

  1. Underwriting Risk
    1. The Life underwriting risk module in the solvency template reflects the risk arising from life insurance and fund accumulation obligations, in relation to the perils covered and the processes used in the conduct of business. The module calculates the Solvency Capital Requirement for underwriting risks based on a factor of capital at risk and technical provisions adjusted for reinsurance.
    2. The Non-Life underwriting risk reflects the risk arising from property and liability insurance obligations, in relation to the perils covered and the processes used in the conduct of business. The module calculates the Solvency Capital Requirement in the template based on a higher factor of gross premium or technical provisions adjusted for reinsurance.

  2. Market and Liquidity Risk (Investment) Risk

    The market risk shall reflect the risk arising from the level or volatility of market prices of financial instruments which have an impact upon the value of the assets and liabilities of the Company. It shall properly reflect the structural mismatch between assets and liabilities, in particular with respect to the duration thereof. In the template, the Solvency Capital Requirement for this module is calculated as a combination of the capital requirements for the following sub-modules:

    1. The sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities and financial instruments to changes in the term structure of interest rates, or in the volatility of interest rates (interest rate risk);
    2. The sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities and financial instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of market prices of equities (equity risk);
    3. The sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities and financial instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of market prices of real estate (real estate risk);
    4. The sensitivity of the values of assets, liabilities and financial instruments to changes in the level or in the volatility of credit spreads over the risk-free interest rate term structure (spread risk); and
    5. Additional risks to a Company, either stemming from lack of diversification in the asset portfolio, or from large exposure to default risk by a single issuer of securities or a group of related issuers (concentration risk)

  3. Credit Risk

    The counterparty default risk module in the template reflects possible losses due to unexpected default, or deterioration in the credit standing of the counter-parties and debtors of the Company. The counterparty default risk covers reinsurance arrangements, securitizations and derivatives, cash at bank, cash equivalent, other deposits, unpaid but called up capital, guarantees, letter of credit and receivables from intermediaries and policyholder loans.

  4. Operational Risk

    The capital requirement for operational risk shall reflect operational risks to the extent they are not already reflected in other risk components. That requirement shall be calibrated to ensure that all quantifiable risks to which a Company is exposed are taken into account. The template calculates the capital based on a higher factor of earned premium or technical provisions.