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Article 6 Application for Insurance

IA-BOD-RES 3/2010 Effective from 21/3/2010

When designing the insurance application form, the Company must observe the following:

  1. Questions to be incorporated in the insurance application form shall be drafted in a clear and understandable language. The form shall include guidelines to show how to answer these questions.
  2. The application form shall contain, inter alia, questions relating material facts that are particularly important for the Company in accepting the insurance cover of the risk, in setting the terms and conditions related to the cover or in pricing.
  3. The form shall also incorporate a warning regarding the legal consequences and effects on the Insured rights as a result of not providing the information or providing false, inaccurate and untrue information.
  4. The questions are supposed to be specifically relevant to the Insured Interest, the relation of the applicant therewith, the insurance interest and information related to the previous experience of the Client regarding the Insured Interest, particularly the past accidents.
  5. Information may not be incorporated in the application form by any employees of the insurance company. The form shall further contain a statement indicating that the provided information has been inserted by or to the knowledge of the applicant and that the signature affixed thereon is the signature of the applicant or his legal representative.
  6. The form shall incorporate a recommendation to the applicant to keep the documents and his/her correspondence with the Company.
  7. The Company shall provide the applicant with a copy of submitted insurance application to keep it.