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Article 4 Provision of Insurance Products and Services

IA-BOD-RES 3/2010 Effective from 21/3/2010

When providing its products and services to the Clients, the Company shall comply with the following:

  1. Accurately and timely reply to Clients' inquiries as expected from a company that practices a specialized profession in a proficient and professional manner.
  2. Issue insurance policies and endorsements thereof as well as any amendments that may occur thereon after the agreement of the two parties and as soon as possible without any delay.
  3. Educate the Insured with ways and methods to avoid accidents or mitigate their impacts.
  4. Provide and make available all documents and information which the Insured or the Beneficiary is entitled to obtain upon request, and especially upon the expiry of the insurance term or termination of the insurance contract for any reason whatsoever.
  5. Provide the Client with the accurate technical statistics on the results of its dealing with the insurance company during the past period upon request.