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Appendix 2: List of Laws, Regulations and Notices

N 35/2018 STA
  1. 1.The provisions of Union Law No. (10) of 1980 concerning the Central Bank, the monetary system and the organization of banking and its amendments.
  2. 2.Resolution No. 31/2/1986 issued on 16/7/1986 regarding organization of the foreign exchange profession in the UAE.
  3. 3.Regulations regarding Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business issued on 6th January 2014.
  4. 4.Amendments to Regulations regarding Licensing and Monitoring of Exchange Business by virtue of Notice No 269/2016 dated 25th August 2016.
  5. 5.Federal Law number 4 of 2002 regarding Criminalization of Money Laundering.
  6. 6.Federal Law Number 9 of 2014 regarding amendment of some provisions in Federal Law number 4 of 2002.
  7. 7.Decree Number 38 of 2014 regarding the Executive By Law of the Federal Law number 4 of 2002.
  8. 8.Notice No. 24/2000 issued on 14th November 2000 and its subsequent amendments.
  9. 9.Notice No. 1401/2010 issued on 16th March 2010.
  10. 10.Rules of the Wage Protection System issued by the Central Bank.
  11. 11.Notice No. 249/2016 issued on 3rd August 2016.
  12. 12.Notice No. 171/2017 issued on 12th June 2016.
  13. 13.Any other Notices, Circular or Regulations issued hereafter by the Central Bank of the UAE regarding Exchange Business.