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Article (1) Definitions
IA-BOD-RES 25/2016 Effective from 1/1/2017The following terms and phrases shall have the meanings as stated beside them unless the context provides otherwise:
State: | The United Arab Emirates. |
Authority: | The Insurance Authority, established by virtue of Federal Law No. (6) of 2007 Concerning the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and Organization of Insurance Operations, as amended. |
Board: | The Insurance Authority Board of Directors. |
Company: | The insurance company incorporated in the State, or foreign branch of and insurance company, that is licensed to carry out insurance operations in the State either through a branch or an insurance agent. |
Insured: | A natural or corporate person that has applied for insurance, entered into an insurance contract with the company, and paid or has agreed to pay the premium. |
Motor Vehicle Driver: | The insured or any person who drives the motor vehicle with the permission or by order of the insured, provided that they are licensed to drive the motor vehicle category according to the Traffic Laws and other laws and regulations, and that the granted license has not been cancelled by court's order or by virtue of the Traffic Laws and its Executive Regulations. This definition includes the driver whose driving license has expired if they managed to renew it within thirty days from the date of accident. |