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Article (10)

IA-BOD-RES 13/2018 Effective from 24/5/2018

The agreement signed between the Company and the Bank concerning the marketing of insurance policies shall contain the following as minimum:

  1. Be executed in Arabic language and signed by both parties.
  2. The rights and obligations of each party, which shall not contradict with the provisions of these Instructions.
  3. The term of the agreement and the method and reasons for its termination.
  4. A provision that the Insurance Company is responsible for the issuance of insurance policies and any amendment thereof, and for the payment of due compensations.
  5. Types and classes of insurance for which the Bank shall be authorized to market the policies, in accordance of Article (3) of these Instructions.
  6. Naming the Bank branches that will market insurance products and the territory.
  7. The agreed commission of the Bank, how it is calculated, the due dates thereof, and the procedures for its collection.
  8. The general rules that the Bank shall observe and adhere to with regard to marketing, promotion and advertising of the insurance products,.
  9. A statement showing whether the Bank is authorized or not authorized to receive insurance premiums, and the obligation of the Bank to transfer all premiums to the account of the Company by the agreed method, and to provide the Company with a regular detailed statement of such premiums.
  10. Rules to be followed by the Company and the Bank to ensure the protection of customers' rights in case of termination or revoking of the agreement.
  11. Allowing the Company to review all the Bank's organized books and records relating to marketing insurance contracts and to obtain copies thereof. The following records shall be maintained:
    1. Correspondence log;
    2. Internal records; and
    3. Customer complaints’ register.
  12. Stating the mechanism for qualifying and training of the employees approved to market the insurance products at the Bank, and ensuring the continuity of such training.
  13. Maintaining the confidentiality of conditions, prices, information and data which the Bank obtains form the Company, and refraining from disclosing such information to other companies.
  14. Not to seek, directly or indirectly, to terminate any insurance policy issued by the Company through another Bank with the view to re-issue the policy through it.