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Article (14) Acceptance / Rejection of Applications

IA-BOD-RES 2/2009 Effective from 31/1/2010
  1. In case the period provided for in the preceding Article lapsed without the requisites, statements, or documents been satisfied by the organization which submitted the licensing application, the pertinent Department shall refer the matter to the Director General.
  2. The Director General shall consider the matter within seven days ' as from date of receiving the file and make his decision either by granting the organization which submitted the licensing application an additional period or rejecting the application.
  3. The license applicant shall have the right to submit a new application to satisfy the requisites after lapse of six months as from date of the Director General's decision rejecting the application.
  4. In case the new application satisfied the acceptable requisites of its submission, the pertinent Department shall refer the application to the Director General.
  5. The Director General shall refer the application to the Board to issue its resolution either to approve it or reject it within sixty days as from date of reference.
  6. The resolution approving the licensing shall be published in the Official Gazette and the pertinent authorities be informed to implement its substance.
  7. The pertinent Department shall prepare a draft of the licensing resolution and same shall be approved by the Director General.