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Article (15)

IA-BOD-RES 33/2019 Effective from 15/7/2019
  1. The Committee shall have the competency to seek the help of competent consultants, surveyors and loss adjusters registered with the Authority and the experts registered with other competent authorities concerning certain matters determined by the Committee. The experts are required to submit their reports concerning the facts in writing. The Committee may invite any of them to appear before it and make discussion with him concerning the contents of his report and may, in doing all the foregoing, use the remote communication technology. The Committee determines the party bound to pay the expert's fees in advance, which shall be borne by the losing party.
  2. The Committee may hear the witnesses for resolution of the dispute through the remote communication technology or through personal appearance.
  3. The interested parties may challenge the decisions of the Committees before the court of first instance of competent jurisdiction within 30 days from the day next to their notification of the decision, otherwise, the decision shall be considered final and enforceable.