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Article (16)

IA-BOD-RES 18/2020 Effective from 27/4/2020
  1. The Company and the Insurance Agent, prior to selling or issuing any insurance policy through its website, shall verify the identity of its customers and the documents submitted by them and develop the necessary procedures in this regard. The Insurance Broker shall comply with the aforementioned rules when issuing the insurance certificate.
  2. The Company and the Insurance Agent shall apply what is included in the legislations of anti- money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism and financing illegal organizations crimes, and they must inform the Competent Authority in accordance with electronic regulations or other approved means for any suspected activities that take place through its website.
  3. The Company, Insurance Related Professions and Insurance Agent shall maintain proper records of customers’ documents and identities obtained through its website for a period of at least 10 years.
  4. The Company, Insurance-Related Professions and Insurance Agent shall establish an electronic account for each customer and shall develop the following procedures to protect the customer's account:
  1. Change the password of the customer's account periodically.
  2. Request to re-enter the password after lapse of a fixed period of inactivity.
  3. Validate the customer's email address by sending a verification link (activation).
  4. A unified policy approved by the company’s board of directors, which includes insuring the insurer has two factors upon logging in.