The provisions of these Instructions shall apply to Points of Sale established by insurance Companies within the State to exercise the following functions individually or jointly:
(A) Issuing insurance policies in the lines of Motor Insurance, Health insurance and Travel Insurance.
(B) Identifying damages to vehicles.
(C) Receiving documents related to the claims of the lines, in which the Point of Sale is authorized to carry out, and to provide the claimant with a written notice or by any electronic means acknowledging the receipt of the documents. In the event of missing documents, the Claimant shall be informed to complete all necessary documents.
The Company shall be prohibited from opening a Point of Sale to exercise of the functions mentioned in the above sub- article (1) unless it has been authorized for such by the Insurance Authority and it has registered the Point of Sale in the register.
The Point of Sale mentioned in this article shall not be authorized to pay compensations.
The Company shall open a separate Point of Sale or within the offices of travel agencies, motor vehicle showrooms, shopping centers, or near immigration departments or other departments, institutions and private compounds.
By a decision of the Director General, additional lines of insurance may be added to the lines referred to in clause (A) of the above sub-article (1), provided that they are related to insurance products with predetermined underwriting criteria without having to examine the condition of insurance applicant individually.