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Article (2) General Provisions

IA-BOD-RES 32/2017
  1. For the purposes of these Regulations the Common Reporting Standard commentary, which is any explanatory material made and published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for the purpose of assisting with the interpretation of the Common Reporting Standard, is an integral part of the Common Reporting Standard and accordingly applies for the purposes of the automatic exchange of financial account information under a relevant scheduled Agreement.
  2. These Regulations apply to:

    A- any Reporting Financial Institution subject to the supervision of the Authority for purposes of these Regulations;

    B- any Account Holder (Policy holder) of a Reportable Account held with a Reporting Financial Institution subject to the supervision of the Authority for purposes of these Regulations; and

    C- any other person to whom the Regulations apply.
  3. The English version pursuant to the international model approved by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development shall supersede in case of any contradiction with the Arabic translation.