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Article (30) Starting the Services

IA-BOD-RES 2/2009 Effective from 31/1/2010
  1. The company shall start rendering its services to the public within (60) days as from date of its registration in the register.
  2. The Director General upon a request by the company in special and justifiable cases may extend such a period to a similar period.
  3. In case the company doesn't start its works within the approved period, the matter shall be referred to the Director General or to whomever he might authorize.
  4. The Director General shall send a written notice to the company advising necessity of starting rendering its services to the public within seven working days as from date of notifying the person who legally representing the company.
  5. In case the period stated in Paragraph four above lapsed without the company starting its works, the Director General shall issue a decision to suspend the registration of the company in the register for a period of six months at most.
  6. In case the six month lapsed without the company starting its works, its registration in the register shall be suspended.
  7. The company which its registration being suspended shall have the right to reverse the suspension decision by submitting an application to the Director General on the form prescribed by the Authority for the purpose coupled with the justifying reasons and a proof of paying the prescribed fees.
  8. The Director General shall make his decision on the application within seven working days.
  9. The company which its registration being suspended may submit an application for re-registration on the form prescribed for the same by the Authority.
  10. In case of re-registration, the procedures designated to register a company in the register whether stated in the Law or the Regulation herein shall be adopted.