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Article (5) - Investment Related Risks

IA-BOD-RES 25/2014 Effective from 28/12/2014
  1. For the purpose of this Article, “Investment Risk” refers to the possibility of an adverse movement in the value of a Company's on-balance sheet assets or certain off-balance sheet obligations. Investment risk derives from a number of sources including market risk, credit quality risk, investment concentration risk, and liquidity risk, as well as risk associated with the use of derivatives.
  2. The Company's Board of Directors shall endorse policies and procedures regarding the risks detailed in Addendum (3) to be implemented by its senior management, who shall take adequate steps to disseminate the policy and train the relevant staff such that they can effectively implement the policies and procedures.
  3. Further guidance on investment related risks in Addendum (3) of the regulations herein shall be applied.