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C. Structural Risk

C 52/2017 STA Effective from 1/12/2022

1.Full support

Conduit level

The sponsor should provide the liquidity facility and the credit protection support17 for any ABCP program issued by a conduit. Such facility and support should ensure that investors are fully protected against credit risks, liquidity risks and any material dilution risks of the underlying asset pools financed by the conduit. On that basis, investors should be able to rely on the sponsor to ensure timely and full repayment of the commercial paper. This is not a comprehensive list of risks, but rather provides typical examples.

The full support provided should be able to irrevocably and unconditionally pay the ABCP liabilities in full and on time.


Number of sponsors providing support

While liquidity and credit protection support at both the conduit level and transaction level can be provided by more than one sponsor, the majority of the support (assessed in terms of coverage) has to be made by a single sponsor (referred to as the “main sponsor”).18 An exception can, however, be made for a limited period of time, where the main sponsor has to be replaced due to a material deterioration in its credit standing.

General requirements

Under the terms of the liquidity facility agreement:

  • Upon specified events affecting its creditworthiness, the sponsor shall be obliged to collateralize its commitment in cash to the benefit of the investors or otherwise replace itself with another liquidity provider.
  • If the sponsor does not renew its funding commitment for a specific transaction or the conduit in its entirety, the sponsor shall collateralize its commitments regarding a specific transaction or, if relevant, to the conduit in cash at the latest 30 days prior to the expiration of the liquidity facility, and no new receivables should be purchased under the affected commitment.

The sponsor should provide investors with full information about the terms of the liquidity facility and the credit support provided to the ABCP conduit and the underlying transactions (in relation to the transactions, redacted where necessary to protect confidentiality).

To ensure that investors in the notes issued by the ABCP conduit are fully protected by the facility provided to the ABCP conduit, if the creditworthiness of the liquidity providers deteriorates or if a commitment is not renewed, the liquidity provider shall be required to fully collateralize the facility in cash to ensure the payment of maturing notes. As an alternative, a backup facility provider could be used in case the creditworthiness of the current provider is no longer sufficient. The facility should also be drawn down and used to redeem the outstanding notes in case it is not renewed at least 30 days prior to its expiration.

Information about the support provided to the ABCP structure, at the conduit and the transaction level, as well as the maturity of the facility provided to the ABCP structure, shall also be disclosed to investors. This will enable investors to assess the liquidity risks associated with their exposures to the ABCP structure.

2.Redemption cash flow

Transaction level

Unless the underlying pool of credit claims or receivables is sufficiently granular and has sufficiently distributed repayment profiles, the sponsor should ensure that the repayment of the credit claims or receivables underlying any of the individual transactions relies primarily on the general ability and willingness of the obligor to pay rather than the possibility that the obligor refinances or sells the collateral and that such repayment does not primarily rely on the drawing of an external liquidity facility provided to this transaction.


For capital purposes, sponsors cannot use support provided by their own liquidity and credit facilities towards meeting this criterion. For the avoidance of doubt, the requirement that the repayment shall not primarily rely on the drawing of an external liquidity facility does not apply to exposures in the form of the notes issued by the ABCP conduit.

3.Currency and interest rate asset and liability mismatches

Conduit level

The sponsor should ensure that any payment risk arising from different interest rate and currency profiles that is not mitigated at transaction level, or that may arise at the conduit level, is appropriately mitigated.

The sponsor should also ensure that derivatives are used for genuine hedging purposes only and that hedging transactions are documented according to industry-standard master agreements.

The sponsor should provide sufficient information to investors to allow them to assess how the payment risk arising from the different interest rate and currency profiles of assets and liabilities is appropriately mitigated, whether at the conduit level or at the transaction level.

Transaction level

To reduce the payment risk arising from the different interest rate and currency profiles of assets and liabilities, if any, and to improve the sponsor’s ability to analyze cash flows of transactions, the sponsor should ensure that interest rate and foreign currency risks are appropriately mitigated. The sponsor should also ensure that derivatives are used for genuine hedging purposes only and that hedging transactions are documented according to industry-standard master agreements.


The term “appropriately mitigated” should be understood as not necessarily requiring a completely perfect hedge. The appropriateness of the mitigation of interest rate and foreign currency risks through the life of the transaction must be demonstrated by making available, in a timely and regular manner, quantitative information, including the fraction of notional amounts that are hedged, as well as sensitivity analysis that illustrates the effectiveness of the hedge in extreme but plausible scenarios.

The use of risk-mitigating measures other than derivatives is permitted only if the measures are specifically created and used for the purpose of hedging an individual and specific risk. Non-derivative risk mitigation measures must be fully funded and available at all times.

4.Payment priorities and observability

Conduit level

The commercial paper issued by the ABCP program should not include extension options or other features which may extend the final maturity of the asset-backed commercial paper, where the right to trigger does not belong exclusively to investors.

The sponsor should:

(i) make representations and warranties to investors that the STC criteria are met at the transaction level and, in particular, that it has the ability to appropriately analyse the cash flow waterfall for each transaction which qualifies as a securitisation; and

(ii) make available to investors a summary (illustrating the functioning) of these waterfalls and of the credit enhancement available at program level and transaction level.

Transaction level

To prevent the conduit from being subjected to unexpected repayment profiles from the transactions, the sponsor should ensure that:

  1. 1.Priorities of payments are clearly defined at the time of acquisition of the interests in these transactions by the conduit; and
  2. 2.Appropriate legal comfort regarding the enforceability is provided.

For all transactions which qualify as a securitisation, the sponsor should ensure that all triggers affecting the cash flow waterfall, payment profile or priority of payments are clearly and fully disclosed to the sponsor in both the transactions’ documentation and reports, with information in the reports that clearly identifies any breach status, the ability for the breach to be reversed and the consequences of the breach. Reports should contain information that allows sponsors to easily ascertain the likelihood of a trigger being breached or reversed. Any triggers breached between payment dates should be disclosed to sponsors on a timely basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of the transaction documents.

For any of the transactions where the beneficial interest held by the conduit qualifies as a securitisation position, the sponsor should ensure that any subordinated positions do not have inappropriate payment preference over payments to the conduit (which should always rank senior to any other position) and which are due and payable.

Transactions featuring a revolving period should include provisions for appropriate early amortization events and/or triggers of termination of the revolving period, including, notably: (i) deterioration in the credit quality of the underlying exposures; (ii) a failure to replenish sufficient new underlying exposures of similar credit quality; and (iii) the occurrence of an insolvency-related event with regard to the individual sellers.

To ensure that debt forgiveness, forbearance, payment holidays, restructuring, dilution and other asset performance remedies can be clearly identified, policies and procedures, definitions, remedies and actions relating to delinquency, default, dilution or restructuring of underlying debtors should be provided in clear and consistent terms, such that the sponsor can clearly identify debt forgiveness, forbearance, payment holidays, restructuring, dilution and other asset performance remedies on an ongoing basis.

For each transaction which qualifies as a securitisation, the sponsor should ensure that it receives, both before the conduit acquires a beneficial interest in the transaction and on an ongoing basis, the liability cash flow analysis or information on the cash flow provisions allowing appropriate analysis of the cash flow waterfall of these transactions.

5.Voting and enforcement rights

Conduit level

To provide clarity to investors, the sponsor should make sufficient information available in order for investors to understand their enforcement rights on the underlying credit claims or receivables in the event of insolvency of the sponsor.

Transaction level

For each transaction, the sponsor should ensure that, in particular upon insolvency of the seller or where the obligor is in default on its obligation, all voting and enforcement rights related to the credit claims or receivables are, if applicable:

  1. 1.Transferred to the conduit; and
  2. 2.Clearly defined under all circumstances, including with respect to the rights of the conduit versus other parties with an interest (e.g. sellers), where relevant.

6.Documentation disclosure and legal review

Conduit level

To help investors understand fully the terms, conditions, and legal information prior to investing in a new program offering and to ensure that this information is set out in a clear and effective manner for all program offerings, the sponsor should ensure that sufficient initial offering documentation for the ABCP program is provided to investors (and readily available to potential investors on a continuous basis) within a reasonable period of time prior to issuance, such that the investor is provided with full disclosure of the legal information and comprehensive risk factors needed to make informed investment decisions. These should be composed such that readers can readily find, understand and use relevant information.

The sponsor should ensure that the terms and documentation of a conduit and the ABCP program it issues are reviewed and verified by an appropriately experienced and independent legal practice prior to publication and in the event of material changes. The sponsor should notify investors in a timely fashion of any changes in such documents that have an impact on the structural risks in the ABCP program.


To understand fully the terms, conditions and legal information prior to including a new transaction in the ABCP conduit and ensure that this information is set out in a clear and effective manner, the sponsor should ensure that it receives sufficient initial offering documentation for each transaction and that it is provided within a reasonable period of time prior to the inclusion in the conduit, with full disclosure of the legal information and comprehensive risk factors needed to supply liquidity and/or credit support facilities. The initial offering document for each transaction should be composed such that readers can readily find, understand and use relevant information.

The sponsor should also ensure that the terms and documentation of a transaction are reviewed and verified by an appropriately experienced and independent legal practice prior to the acquisition of the transaction and in the event of material changes.

7.Alignment of interest

Conduit level

In order to align the interests of those responsible for the underwriting of the credit claims and receivables with those of investors, a material net economic exposure should be retained by the sellers or the sponsor at the transaction level, or by the sponsor at the conduit level.

Ultimately, the sponsor should disclose to investors how and where a material net economic exposure is retained by the seller at the transaction level or by the sponsor at the transaction or the conduit level, and demonstrate the existence of a financial incentive in the performance of the assets.

8.Cap on maturity transformation

Conduit level

Maturity transformation undertaken through ABCP conduits should be limited. The sponsor should verify and disclose to investors that the weighted average maturity of all the transactions financed under the ABCP conduit is three years or less.

This number should be calculated as the higher of:

1. the exposure-weighted average residual maturity of the conduit’s beneficial interests held or the assets purchased by the conduit in order to finance the transactions of the conduit;19

2. the exposure-weighted average maturity of the underlying assets financed by the conduit calculated by:

a. taking an exposure-weighted average of residual maturities of the underlying assets in each pool; and then

b. taking an exposure-weighted average across the conduit of the pool-level averages as calculated in Step 2a.

Where it is impractical for the sponsor to calculate the pool-level weighted average maturity in Step 2a (because the pool is very granular or dynamic), sponsors may instead use the maximum maturity of the assets in the pool as defined in the legal agreements governing the pool (e.g. investment guidelines).


17 A sponsor can provide full support either at the ABCP program level or at the transaction level, i.e. by fully supporting each transaction within an ABCP program.

18 “Liquidity and credit protection support” refers to support provided by the sponsors. Any support provided by the seller is excluded.

19 Including purchased securitisation notes, loans, asset-backed deposits and purchased credit claims and/or receivables held directly on the conduit’s balance sheet