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Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Resolution No. (17) of 2020 On the Amendment of Some Provisions of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Resolution No. (30) of 2016 Concerning issuing Regulation for Motor Vehicle Insurance Tariffs

IA-BOD-RES 17/2020 Effective from 22/4/2020

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Insurance Authority,

Having pursued,

- The Federal Law No (6) of 2007 on the Establishment of the Insurance Authority and Organization of Insurance Operations, the amendments thereof and its Executive Regulations;
- The Federal Law No (21) of 1995 concerning Traffic, as amended, and its Executive Regulations;
- Resolution No (3) of 2010 of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors concerning the Code of Conduct and Ethics to be Observed by Insurance Companies Operating in the UAE;
- Insurance Authority Board of Directors Resolution No. (11) of 2016 Concerning the Revision of the Pricing Policy Applied by a Company in the Classes of Property and Liability Insurance
- Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Resolution No (25) of 2016 Concerning Issuing Regulation of the Unified Motor Vehicle Insurance Policies.
- Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Decision No. (30) of 2016 Concerning issuing Regulation for Motor Vehicle Insurance Tariffs;
- Insurance Authority Board of Directors Decision No. (41) of 2017 on the amendment of some provisions of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors’ Resolution No. (30) of 2016 Concerning issuing Regulation for Motor Vehicle Insurance Tariffs; and,
- Based upon the approval of the Insurance Authority Board of Directors and the proposal of the Director General of the Insurance Authority to mitigate the impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID- 19),

Has decided,

Article 1

Article No. (2) of the regulations shall be amended as follows:
First: Adding clause (e) to paragraph (3) of Second ,as follows:
(e) 50% discount of the minimum insurance premium shall be granted to the owner of the motor vehicle upon renewal or issuance of new policies to the following categories:

  1. Categories of workers in the medical sector.
  2. Members of the Armed Forces and the Police.
  3. Members of the Civil Defence.
  4. People of determination.
  5. 5. Elderly people, who are above 60 years old.
  6. Insurance applicants (individuals) with an accident-free records.

Second : Adding clauses No. (10) and (11) to paragraph (2) , respectively, as follows:
(10) The company has the right to apply one of the following two cases :
a. Return part of the premium of the valid insurance policies in proportion to the periods of application of the national sterilization system issued by the competent authorities .
b. Reduction in the premium from the minimum premium, when renewing insurance policies in proportion to the periods of application of the national sterilization system issued by the competent authorities .

(11) The company has the right to change the calculation of the premiums for new or renewed policies by making them related to the kilometers driven by the motor vehicle ;in the event that the insured requests that ,provided that the insurance premium does not exceed the maximum specified in the tariffs for the vehicle insurance rates determined by the authority.

Article 2

The provisions of resolution herein shall be read in conjunction with the provisions contained in the Regulation for Motor Vehicle Insurance Tariffs No. (30) of 2016 and shall be an integral part of it.


Article 3

The provisions of the resolution herein shall take effect as from the date of issuance and until the end of the period of Coronavirus in accordance with the decisions issued by the competent authorities, and shall be published in the Official Gazette.