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Article (12) – Historical Performance

Effective from 9/10/2019

The Company should provide the historical performance of at least the Top 5 Funds to the policyholder, where the performance of the policyholder's account is dependent on either an internal or external fund, which should include at least 5 years of fund performance or all years if the fund has not yet completed 5 years. A separate fund performance report based on the client’s chosen portfolio of funds should also be provided, considering the following requirements.

  1. The Company must either provide information for all funds available with respect to a particular product, or provide information for all of the funds the Company offers. The Company and the Distribution Channel cannot pick and choose which funds to show a particular client.
  2. The fund’s performance should be updated annually, or more frequently, after the finalization of the Company's accounts. A copy of the performance of each fund should be provided to the Authority whenever it is updated.
  3. If there are particular funds that are not applicable to a specific product, the Company can use only the funds available for that product to determine the Top 5 Funds.
  4. The Company can segregate funds to match the risk appetite of the policyholder, such as low / medium / high risk. For segregated funds, the Company should strive to provide the performance for the Top 5 Funds in each group, unless fewer than 5 funds are available within a group.
  5. If any of the Top 5 Funds has existed for less than five years, the Company should provide more fund options to policyholders.
  6. The requirements for sharing the performance of the Top 5 Funds are at the point of sale and on an annual basis for the policyholder.
  7. The Top 5 Funds only needs to include funds available to policyholders in the UAE and not globally.